, 1975) This suggests that there were shared representations for

, 1975). This suggests that there were shared representations for printed word forms and their corresponding pictures in both groups. Initial TMS studies show that in adults, the motor cortex plays a functional role in word-to-word JAK inhibitor priming effects on tools (Cattaneo et al., 2010 and Tremblay et al., 2012). It is unclear whether similar mechanism

give rise to picture-word priming effects (Mahon et al., 2007 and Mulatti and Coltheart, 2012), but this seems a plausible possibility. Based on early development of picture-word priming effects, we might thus expect that printed words automatically engage similar brain areas as the pictures they describe from the 7th year of life onwards, when children have just learnt to decode basic written word meanings. To test this hypothesis, we characterised the emergence of picture-like BOLD responses for single printed utensil (tool) and animal names in children aged 7–11 years and adulthood.

This age range allowed us to include children who had already acquired the printed words in the experiment but who showed substantial differences in reading skill and age. Tool and animal stimulus categories were selected because in subjects of all ages in the experiment, tool and animal pictures activate distinct cortical sensory and motor Talazoparib molecular weight regions. These category-selective activations overlap with brain areas that process prominent category features; Enhanced responses for tools versus animals (tool selectivity) are found in areas associated with grasping, reaching, tool motion and object shape, while enhanced

responses for animals versus tools (animal selectivity) is present in low-level visual areas and – albeit less so for children – in areas associated with face and body perception (Chao et al., 1999, Dekker et al., 2011, Johnson-Frey, 2004 and Lewis, 2006). With the possible exception Vildagliptin of low-level visual areas, these are not purely sensory or motor regions. Electrophysiological recordings reveal that several tool-selective areas contain mixtures of visual, motor, visuomotor and other types of uni-and multisensory neurons (Arbib, 2008, Graziano and Gross, 1998 and Murata et al., 2000), and in various regions tool and animal selective representations can be activated by multiple senses (Mahon et al., 2009, Peelen et al., 2014 and Striem-Amit and Amedi, 2014). Whilst neural representations within these areas are multisensory in nature and hence arguably more “abstract” than neural representations in the primary visual and motor cortex, we will refer to them as sensorimotor areas for simplicity.

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