This immune defect is one of the conditions known to be associate

This immune defect is one of the conditions known to be associated with CD.1 We emphasize the importance of a confirmatory duodenal biopsy, since

false positive serological tests for CD can occur in patients with chronic liver disease and IgG are less specific.1 and 7 Another relevant feature of our case was the autoantibody Pictilisib profile suggestive of AIH, giving rise to this etiological hypothesis. We have chosen to perform a liver biopsy, which proved to be determinant for the final diagnosis in this specific case. Another possible option would be to recommend gluten withdrawal, control liver enzymes after 6–12 months and continue the investigation only if elevated levels persisted. As expected in this patient, liver tests completely normalized within 6 months of a gluten-free diet. This case emphasizes the need to screen CD E7080 concentration in patients with cryptogenic hypertransaminasemia, irrespective of the existence of gastrointestinal symptoms. It also exemplifies

a particular situation in which a liver biopsy is useful to establish the diagnosis of celiac hepatitis. The authors declare that no experiments were performed on humans or animals for this investigation. The authors declare that they have followed the protocols of their work center on the publication of patient data and that all the patients included in the study have received sufficient information and have given their informed consent in writing to participate in that study. The authors must have obtained the informed consent of the patients and/or subjects mentioned in the article. The author for correspondence must be in possession of this document. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. “
“O ileus biliar é uma complicação rara da litíase vesicular, que ocorre com uma frequência de 0,3-0,5% e se caracteriza pela impactação de um ou mais cálculos no intestino delgado1. Em 50-90% dos casos, a obstrução ocorre no íleo distal,

seguida pelo íleo proximal/jejuno (20-40%) e duodeno (< 5%)2. Na maioria dos doentes, deve-se à formação de uma fístula bilioentérica ou, mais raramente, à passagem dos cálculos pela papila Meloxicam de Vater ou pela formação «in situ» de cálculos em segmentos intestinais estenosados2. Os sintomas biliares são comuns, mas o diagnóstico é pré-operatório em menos de 50% dos casos3. A síndrome de Bouveret (SB) é uma forma rara de ileus biliar em que a obstrução se localiza no duodeno, devido à formação de uma fístula colecistoduodenal 4. As fístulas bilioentéricas ocorrem em menos de 1% dos doentes com litíase vesicular, sendo que, em mais de 60% dos casos, a sua localização é a nível duodenal2. A maioria é assintomática (40-60%), originando ileus biliar em apenas 6-14% dos doentes e maioritariamente no íleo terminal (60%) 5. Em cerca de 3-10% dos casos, a obstrução ocorre no duodeno, originando a SB 6.

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