However, regardless of the significant role of this brain region

However, regardless of the significant role of this brain region in eating behavior, the activation of the SMA could simply be the result of the participants’ awareness of the difference between the suppression and motivation tasks—during the suppression sessions, it was necessary for the participants to concentrate on suppressing their motivation to eat the pictured food items, whereas during the motivation sessions they allowed to have their natural appetitive motivation. Forskolin On the other hands, the DLPFC is well known to play important roles in cognitive

control systems that orchestrate thoughts, emotions, and actions in accordance with internal goals (Carter and van Veen, 2007, Miller and Cohen, 2001 and Ochsner and Gross, 2005). Such a role of the DLPFC could also extend to eating behaviors under the cognitive regulation of the motivation to eat, as observed in previous studies (Hollmann et al., 2012 and Kober

et al., 2010). Collectively, the present findings using MEG support the importance of the left DLPFC and SMA, particularly the DLPFC, in the cognitive regulation of motivation to eat. Previous studies regarding cognitive regulation of eating behavior observed hemodynamic changes in response to food stimuli using fMRI (Hare et al., 2009 and Hollmann et al., 2012). In the present study, the electrical activity related to the suppression of motivation to eat was first assessed using MEG, and its high temporal resolution enables assessment of the time course of brain activities when participants PD332991 concentrate on suppressing their motivation to eat. In the present analysis, the latency of significant brain activity in the SMA was 200–300 ms, whereas that in the DLPFC was 500–600 ms after the presentation of the food picture. One possible explanation why the occurrence

of the activity in SMA preceded that in DLPFC is that sensory information of visual food stimuli is sent from the sensory area to the SMA in advance, and then transmitted to the DLPFC. The input from the SMA to the DLPFC might in turn Ergoloid provide the resource for the subsequent suppressive signals from the DLPFC. In addition, a previous study using similar instruction during brain scanning showed significant activation of the striatal-DLPFC pathway in the regulation of craving in response to various kinds of affective cues, such as highly rewarding food cues (Kober et al., 2010). Due to the spatial disadvantages of MEG analyses, however, we could not examine the involvement of the striatum in the present study setting. Accordingly, further studies will be needed to examine the temporal relationship of the interplay among multiple brain areas, including regions other than the DLPFC and SMA. Furthermore, the time–frequency analyses were performed and significant results were obtained in terms of ERS and ERD.

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