Members of Isoptericola are actinomycetes with a well-developed p

Members of Isoptericola are actinomycetes with a well-developed primary mycelium that broken into small cocci and rod like structures [33] and the atomic

force microscope image of JSC-42 also showed the presence of primary mycelia form with budding cocci form. The atomic force microscope phase imaging suggested that individual bacterial cells JS-C42 were adsorbed onto the surface of a cellulose substrate. To our knowledge the present study was the first report by the halotolerant bacterial isolate Isoptericola sp. JS-C42 in displaying an efficient enzymatic saccharification of plant biomasses and the released reducing sugars can be successfully converted in to ethanol. To decrease the cost of commercial cellulolytic enzymes and the hazardous effect of harsh pretreatment of lignocellulose by the chemical processes, the marine derived bacterial isolate Isoptericola sp. JS-C42 is an option to consider an alternate means to produce the economical and environmental friendly saccharifying sugars from lignocellulosic substrates for the bioethanol production. This data also suggested that a significant proportion of the resident cellulolytic microorganisms of marine sediment remain poorly characterized and exploring those microorganisms is a boom to the applications related biofuel research and development. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided

by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India (Project Reference No: BT/PR1391/PBD/26/274/2011). “
“One GDC-0199 manufacturer of the most widespread stilbenes is resveratrol (C14H12O3). The biosynthesis of resveratrol is controlled by stilbene synthase (EC This enzyme uses the same substrates and catalyzes the same condensing-type enzyme reaction as chalcone synthase (EC., which is involved in the biosynthesis of

flavonoids including anthocyanins [1] and [2]. Resveratrol is then the skeleton for producing other stilbenes; for instance, a glycosylation of resveratrol can lead to piceid while an oxidative dimerization of resveratrol units can form ɛ-viniferin, a resveratrol dehydrodimer [3]. Resveratrol has been found to have a number of health Amylase benefits: Bradamante et al. [4] revealed that resveratrol prevented heart-artery diseases by reducing cholesterol and harmful blot clots, and hardening of the arteries. Resveratrol also showed cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic effects [5], and it can act as a neuroprotectant [6]. Due to these health benefits, there is an increasing demand for effective approaches to produce resveratrol. Although this compound can be chemically synthesized [7], the need for a safe and green product is in favor of using natural sources. However, the production of resveratrol directly from plants confronts a number of drawbacks, such as yield variation, pathogens, low purity and a long growth period.

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