16,80,81 Nevertheless, a recently published meta-analysis suggest

16,80,81 Nevertheless, a recently published meta-analysis suggests that, despite its reputation, most recent studies did not support the superiority shown by clozapine in

early trials.82 Furthermore, although more TRS patients benefited from clozapine compared with previous antipsychotic treatment, between 50 % and 70 % of the TRS patients did not significantly benefit from the switch to clozapine.42,83 In particular, most recent trials indicated that the differential reduction in BPRS scores favoring clozapine was very small and of questionable clinical significance. Additional remarks on treatment with clozapine are noteworthy Some of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the benefits of treatment with clozapine become evident on long-term follow-up. Some studies have shown that a subset of TRS patients need longer periods than the usual 6 to 8 weeks of adequate dose84,85 to show a significant response.16,42,86 Furthermore, patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical who do not respond under a regular dose may respond to high doses that bring their plasma level Rucaparib price higher than 350 ng/mL.87 A still unresolved question is whether clozapine does indeed have unique intrinsic proprieties that make it effective

in TRS or whether its higher efficacy over the classic antipsychotics is secondary to its better tolerability (no EPS and an upper ceiling for doses). In fact, the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical possibility that clozapine might have Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical unique intrinsic properties that confer its advantage over the rest of the antipsychotics has generated a large number of investigations to elucidate its mechanism of action. Its relatively weaker affinity for, and lower occupancy of, nigrostriatum dopamine D2 receptors, its D2/5-HT2 (serotonin receptor) ratio, its anticholinergic and cholinomimetic activities, as well as its selectivity for putative

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical brain areas have all been suggested to explain clozapine’s unique clinical properties. Despite the fact that no agreement exists as to what mechanism mediates clozapine’s unique clinical profile, most of the novel antipsychotic drugs were modeled on it. Novel atypical agents The availability of a generation of novel antipsychotics modeled on clozapine has raised expectations that they will be effective in treating TRS. In fact, many of the patients who were treated with the novel drugs were initially partial responders or TRS patients. Studies showed better Cediranib (AZD2171) efficacy of risperidone,88-90 olanzapine,91-95 quetiapinc,96 and recently ziprasidone97 in TRS patients or partial responders compared with typical agents. However, the differential efficacy was modest,5,98 some of the studies had methodological limitations such as less rigorous definitions of TRS91-94,99-101 and of what constitutes response, open-label and retrospective designs,88,89 and small sample size.

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