This provides a mechanism how the right number and probably also

This provides a mechanism how the right number and probably also the right quality of neurons are chosen to innervate

given target tissues. Many aspects of the neurotrophic theory have been molecularly proven, such as identification of further target and paracrine-derived survival factors and their corresponding receptors on developing neurons [4], but how exactly optimal neurons are identified is less clear. In Drosophila, a process known as cell competition [ 5] eliminates cells with heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein genes (Minute cells) through a mechanism that has been proposed to involve competition for extracellular factors and apoptosis [ 6]. Various genetic studies in Drosophila have established, that apart from Minute Epigenetic inhibitor molecular weight mutations ( Figure 1a), also reduced growth factor signaling, lowered anabolic capacity or altered apico-basal polarity represent triggers for competitive interactions, which have been recently reviewed elsewhere [ 7, 8 and 9]. In some situations, it has been shown that mutant cells can become ‘supercompetitors’ and behave as winners by outcompeting wild-type cells, which now turn into losers. For example, clones with elevated levels of Drosophila myc (dmyc), the homolog of the human c-Myc protooncogene, can convert into such supercompetitors. Supercompetitor cells expand in developing fly epithelia by inducing apoptosis

in surrounding wild-type cells based on short range cell–cell interactions [ 10 and 11]. The ‘enrichment’ in supercompetitor (winner) clones is morphologically silent [ 10] because it is balanced by the concomitant loss of wild-type cells. Although cell competition normally occurs in proliferating tissues, a recent study Doramapimod ic50 by Tamori and Deng has revealed that competitive interactions can also play a role in the postmitotic Drosophila follicular epithelium [ 12•• and 13]. The authors showed that follicular cells with heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein genes (Minutes) or reduced levels of mahjong

(mahj), a regulator of apico-basal polarity [ 14], are selectively lost by apoptosis from follicular epithelia, whereas no cell death was triggered in tissues made entirely of Minute or mahj−/− cells. In contrast, other factors known to trigger competition in mitotic epithelia (dMyc, activated growth factor signaling or apico-basal tumor suppressor genes) do selleck not play a role in this type of competition. As a further difference, the eliminated cells due to competition are not replaced by cell proliferation. Instead, remaining winner cells increase in size by accelerating their endocycles in a process named compensatory cellular hypertrophy [ 12••]. To summarize, the outcome of both classical cell competition and supercompetition is a Darwinian-like selection, leading to long-term survival of certain cells over others. Until recently, work on cell competition was mainly carried out in Drosophila and relied heavily on the analysis of two experimentally induced populations (e.g. wild-type vs.

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