The initial list of questions was intentionally over-inclusive to

The initial list of questions was intentionally over-inclusive to allow for expert opinion to evaluate a wide range of potential research topics. At the June 2006 Northern

European Conference on Travel Medicine (Edinburgh, Scotland), the research questions were presented, discussed, and revised by the attending members of the Research Committee. The questions were then offered for comment to the other committees of the ISTM. The research priorities were compared for consistency to the Travel Medicine Practice Guidelines20 and then transformed into a priority list which was presented at a poster session at the 10th Conference of the ISTM.21 A survey for modifications was administered Selleckchem Metabolism inhibitor to the convenience sample of those attending the poster session. The Writing Group made modifications then further reviewed to choose areas with: (1) the most commonly arising questions; (2) the highest impact on health (severe OSI-744 cost disease with lack of therapy); and (3) the most likely to effect on cost savings. A literature search was then done to ensure

that adequate data answering these questions did not already exist. The research questions listed below (and in Table 2) are not an exhaustive list of all possible study areas, particularly because new issues are continuously emerging, and research priorities inevitably change Chorioepithelioma over time. Nevertheless, this provides a starting point by listing some of the data gaps that have been identified as priority areas and which could feasibly be addressed with further research. Some research questions that were raised early in the course of this initiative have been adequately answered by recent studies and have been removed from the current list. Table 2 shows research questions for which data are currently lacking and for which an improved evidence base for pre-travel interventions is required. Of particular concern is that 60% to 80% of travelers from North America,22,23 68% from Australasia,24 and 48% from

Europe17 do not access pre-travel services. There are guidelines based largely on expert opinion providing travel medicine recommendations for different types of travelers on different itineraries (Infectious Disease Society of America Guidelines20), but strategies to access these patients are lacking. The lack of pre-travel preparation has been shown to result in a low overall level of knowledge of risk and preventive practices. There is an association between failing to seek travel medicine services and acquisition of malaria.25 Although difficult to prove and fraught with potential biases, this association may hold for other adverse health impacts associated with travel.

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