During the last 3-min of each collection period, the gas exchange data were averaged to achieve a representative value for the energy drink. Resting energy expenditure (cal/min) was calculated as (3.869 × VO2) + (1.195 × VCO2), where VO2 and VCO2 are in L/min [30]. Certified calibration gases (16.0% O2; 5.0% CO2, Cortex, Germany) and a 3-L syringe were used to calibrate the gas analyzer and the flowmeter before each trial. During this period, resting heart rate was also recorded. Next, systolic blood pressure and fourth phase diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured on the left arm using a manual sphingomanometer
(Riester, Germany) while the participant lay supine. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was calculated as MAP = diastolic blood pressure + 0.33 (systolic blood pressure – diastolic blood pressure). This measurement was always obtained by the same practiced experimenter Apoptosis inhibitor who was also unaware of the drink being tested. Power-load tests After the resting measurements, participants performed a standardized warm-up that included 10-min running and leg and arm extensions with submaximal loads. Next, the power-load relationship in the half-squat and bench-press actions was tested concentrically by using relative loads from 10 to 100% of 1 RM (10% increments). In the half-squat test, the shoulders were in contact with
the bar, the starting knee angle was 90° and security belts were used by all the participants to keep the trunk straight. Ixazomib cell line The resistance was supported by the bottom stops of the measurement PLEK2 device to isolate concentric muscle actions. On command, the participant performed a concentric leg extension as fast as possible against the resistance provided by the bar and the weight plates added to the bar. We set a 2-min resting period between repetitions. In the bench-press test, the bar was positioned above the participant’s chest to maintain the arms flexed at 90°. On a verbal command, participants performed a concentric arm extension as
fast as possible, while no bouncing or arching of the back was permitted. These power-load tests were always performed in machinery in which the resistance bar was attached at both ends with linear bearings on two vertical bars, thus allowing only vertical movements of the bar (Multipower, Technogym, Spain). This machinery allowed participants to jump (in half-squat) or release the bar (in bench press) when feasible, in order to avoid deceleration during the concentric movements. During each repetition, velocity (in m/s), acceleration (in m/s2) and power (in W) were recorded at 1000 Hz by linking a rotator encoder (Isocontrol, Spain) to the end of the bar. Customized software (JLML, Spain) was used to calculate maximal force production (resistance × acceleration) and maximal power output (force × velocity) for each repetition.