One explanation is that the cohort members of this present study

One explanation is that the cohort members of this present study are healthier. The lack of complete ascertainment of death is also a possible reason, however, it is not likely since the lost to follow-up was extremely low, only 1.6%. Furthermore, as 70–80% of the reference population is also working, the finding of such a decreased risk is less likely to be totally explained by the healthy worker Eltanexor effect. A similar observation has been reported by others; the SMR was 74.7 in the original study (Enterline et al. 1990) but decreased to 60.7 in an additional 10-year follow-up (Tsai et al. 1996). A longer follow-up would provide more precise risk estimates and a better

understanding of the relationship between exposures and disease. However, a recent study has suggested that increasing follow-up could decrease the risk estimate of occupational cohorts (Silver et al. 2002). Some also postulated that risk estimates could be “diluted” with increasing follow-up if the exposure acts as a promoter rather than an initiator (Lamm et

al. 1989). Nevertheless, the potential negative impact of extending follow-up has not been well understood and requires further studies. In conclusion, our study supports the results of other extensive epidemiological studies of workers exposed to dieldrin and aldrin. That is that there is no evidence of an increased mortality risk for cancer of any particular type as a result of exposure to aldrin or dieldrin. Acknowledgments This study was supported by Shell International. selleck compound Open CDK inhibitor Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. References Amoateng-Adjepong Y, Sathiakumar N, Delzell E, Cole P (1995) Mortality among workers at a pesticide manufacturing Axenfeld syndrome plant. J Occup Environ Med 37(4):471–478PubMedCrossRef Armstrong B (1987) A simple estimator of minimum detectable relative risk, sample size, or power in cohort

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