Each layer of the films was initially dried at 200°C at a ramp ra

The films were thermally treated in

a rapid thermal processor in air. Each layer of the films was initially dried at 200°C at a ramp rate of 15°C/s to evaporate the solvent and then rapidly heated to 380°C at a ramp rate of 20°C/s to remove the residual organics. Finally, Tipifarnib clinical trial the films were annealed at 700°C at a ramp rate of 20°C/s and naturally cooled down to room temperature. The each of the three steps of the rapid thermal treatment was held for 180 s. The spin coating and thermal treatments were repeated six times to prepare the samples. The valences of the doping ions were determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, PHI 550 ESCA/SAM; PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) with a monochromatized AlKα radiation source (hυ = 1,486.6 eV) operated at 10 kV and 30 mA. The electron energy analyzer was operated at the constant pass energy of 50 eV. The structures of the samples

were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD; D/max2200VPC, Rigaku Co., Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan) using CuKα radiation (λ = 0.15471 nm) with a resolution of 0.04° and the 2θ range from 10° to 65°. The ellipsometric measurements were carried out by a near-infrared to ultraviolet (NIR-UV) spectroscopy ellipsometry (SE) in the wavelength range of 300 to 826 nm (1.5 to 4.1 eV) with a spectral resolution of 2 nm (SC630UVN; Shanghai Sanco Instrument, Co., Ltd., Xuhui, Shanghai, China). The incident selleck kinase inhibitor angle for films was 70° corresponding to the experimental optimization near the Brewster angle of the Si(100) substrates. Magnetic measurements were performed at 300 K using a vibrating sample magnetometer (PPMS-9 Quantum Design, San Diego, CA, USA), and the measured sample size is about 2 mm × 10 mm. All measurements were performed at room temperature. Results and discussion XPS of the TM-doped TiO2 films Figure 1 shows the XPS survey

spectra of the TM-doped TiO2 thin films. The carbon peak comes from surface contamination because of exposure to air [23]. All the peaks are calibrated with the carbon 1 s peak at 284.6 eV. The survey indicates that titanium, oxygen, iron, cobalt, and nickel are the major components on the surface of these films. Figure 2 shows a high-resolution XPS spectrum of the Ti 2p region for Ni-doped TiO2 thin films, respectively. The core level binding energy of Ti 2p 3/2 is 458.4 eV check details and that of Ti 2p 1/2 is 464.16 eV. The learn more difference of 5.7 eV in the two peaks indicates a valence state of +4 for Ti in the TiO2- and Ni-doped TiO2 samples [24, 25]. The same analysis also shows a valence state of +4 for Ti in the Fe- and Co-doped TiO2 samples (not shown). Figure 1 XPS survey spectra of TM-doped TiO 2 thin films. (a) Ni-doped TiO2. (b) Co-doped TiO2. (c) Fe-doped TiO2. Figure 2 Normalized XPS spectra of Ni-doped TiO 2 thin films: Ti 2 p core levels. Figure 3 depicts the TM 2p core level XPS spectra for TM-doped TiO2 thin films.

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