5% (11/40) carried a mutation in rpsL at codon 43 and 20% (8/40)

5% (11/40) carried a mutation in rpsL at codon 43 and 20% (8/40) showed a polymorphism at codon 88. The remainder of the phenotypically resistant strains (n = 21) did not carry a mutation in rpsL. Among all SM susceptible strains (n = 57), one had the codon 88 mutation

in rpsL as well (confirmed when retested). Determination of SM MIC showed no elevated MIC for the respective strain compared to the H37Rv control (see Table 2). Taken together, these data resulted in a sensitivity and specificity of the DNA sequencing of rpsL for detection of SM resistance of 48.8% and 98.2%, respectively. Additionally all strains were sequenced in gidB. In this very polymorphic gene 16 different mutations have been found, which occurred alone or in combination (see Table 1). Noticeable is the

high number of phylogenetic polymorphisms. The Leu16Arg (ctt/cgt) mutation was exclusively found in strains of the LAM genotype find more see more (n = 12). All strains belonging to the WA1, WA2 and Beijing genotypes displayed the Ala205Ala (gca/gcg) mutation (n = 27) and in all EAI strains a combination of the Val110Val (gtg/gtt) and Ala205Ala (gca/gcg) mutations was detected (n = 4). The role of mutations in gidB for resistance to SM needs to be further investigated. Among all EMB resistant isolates 46.7% (7/15) carried a mutation in embB at codon 306. One EMB resistant strain was found to have a mutation at codon 332, one at codon 497 and two strains carried a polymorphism at codon 1002. In four EMB resistant isolates no mutation in embB was detected. Selumetinib cell line Sequence analyses of embC and embA revealed a mutation in embC [Val981Leu (gtg/ctg)] in one strain. All EMB susceptible strains (n = 82) had a wild-type embB sequence. Thus for detection of EMB resistance, sequence analyses of embB had a sensitivity and specificity of 73.3% and 100.0%, in the strains analyzed. PZA resistant isolates showed a wide variety of changes, distributed throughout the entire length of the pncA gene, including its promoter. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) occurred in one strain each at position −11 bp, at codons

146, 162 and 172. In addition, insertions of single nucleotides leading Rucaparib ic50 to open reading frameshifts were detected at codons 5 and 64; an insertion of 10 bp after codon 141 led to PZA resistance in one strain. In three resistant isolates no mutation in pncA was determined. Among all PZA susceptible strains (n = 87), 84 displayed the wild type sequence, whereas in three PZA susceptible strains mutations were detected at codon 47 (n = 2) and at codon 96 (n = 1), respectively. Sequence analysis and drug susceptibility testing has been repeated for strains showing discrepant results, however leading to unaltered findings. Determination of PZA-MICs (see Table 2) revealed slightly elevated MICs for the strains carrying the mutation at codon 47 (25.0 μg/ml) compared to the H37Rv control, but an unaltered MIC for the strain carrying the polymorphism at codon 96.

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