Results Reproducibility and precision To assess the precision
and accuracy of the proteomic data in our analyses, we employed external calibration standards using all-in-one peptide molecular mass standard (INCB28060 mouse Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc. Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc. USA), allowing us to achieve a mass accuracy of approximately 0.1%. To confirm the reproducibility of our analyses, we compared 10 selected M/Z peaks from an unaffected person. The coefficient of variance for the selected M/Z peaks with the highest amplitude was less than 15%. Serum SELDI profiles of NPC versus nocancer normal controls After noise filtering and peak cluster identification, 94 LY2874455 mouse mass peaks were detected in the training set. These peak data from the training set were saved and exported for pattern recognition by the BPS. The most optimal Decision Tree with the highest accuracy eventually was established. The Decision Tree used 3 splitters with distinct masses of m/z 3159.83 5187.65 13738.6 respectively, and classified the cases into 3 lymph nodes (Figure. 1). The peaks at m/z 13738.6 were highly expressed in NPC but weakly expressed in healthy individuals, and the other 2 peaks were highly expressed in healthy individuals but weakly expressed in patients with NPC. The descriptive statistics of these 3 Biomarkers
were shown in Table 2. Characteristic spectrum graphs of 3 Biomarker were shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 and the descriptive statistics are shown in Figure 5. Figure 1 Diagram of
a decision tree for the classification of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and noncancer samples in the learning dataset. The circles indicated the primary nodes and the squares were the terminal nodes. The mass value in the root nodes was followed by the intensity value. Figure 2 SELDI analysis of serum for proteomic pattern in samples from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and in control samples with mass spectra and gel view. The x-axis represents the molecular mass calculation (mass-to-change ratio [m/z]) and the y-axis represents the relative intensity. The mass spectrographic profiles reveal up-regulation of the m/z 13738.6. Figure 3 SELDI analysis of serum for proteomic pattern in samples from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) (NPC) and in control samples with mass spectra and gel view. The x-axis represents the molecular mass calculation (mass-to-change ratio [m/z]) and the y-axis represents the relative intensity. The mass spectrographic profiles reveal peaks in NPC samples and down-regulation of the m/z 3159.835. Figure 4 SELDI analysis of serum for proteomic pattern in samples from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and in control samples with mass spectra and gel view. The x-axis represents the molecular mass calculation (mass-to-change ratio [m/z]) and the y-axis represents the relative intensity.