Technical report, Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park—Conservation

Technical report, Northern Sierra Madre see more Natural Park—Conservation Project, Cabagan Garcia HG (2002b) Floristic

study of lowland dipterocarp forest at eastern part [Dimolid] of Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Technical report, Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park—Conservation Project, Cabagan Garcia HG (2002c) Floristic study of mossy forest in Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Technical report, Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park—Conservation Project, Cabagan Garcia HG (2002d) Floristic study of mangrove forest [Dimasalansan] in Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Technical report, Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park—Conservation Project, Cabagan Gaston KJ (1992) Regional numbers of insect and plant species. Funct Ecol 6:243–247CrossRef Gaston KJ (2000) Global patterns in biodiversity. Nature 405:220–227CrossRefPubMed Heaney LR (2001) Small mammal diversity PF-562271 along elevational gradients in the Philippines: an assessment of patterns and hypotheses. Glob Ecol Biogeogr 10(1):15–39CrossRef Heaney LR, Balete DS, Dolar I, Alcala AC, Dans A, Gonzales PC, Ingle NR, Lepiten M, Oliver WLR, Ong PS, Rickart EA, Tabaranza, BR Jr, Utzurrum RCB (1998) A synopsis of the mammalian fauna of the Philippine islands. Fieldiana Zool 88:1–61 Heino J (2010) Are indicator groups and cross-taxon congruence useful for predicting LB-100 cost biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems? Ecol Indic 10:112–117CrossRef Hess

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