2001, 2007; Meijaard 2003; Bird et al 2005; Meijaard and Groves

2001, 2007; Meijaard 2003; Bird et al. 2005; Meijaard and Groves 2006; Wang et al. 2009). Recently, Cannon et al. (2009) have modeling of the changes in distribution of major forest types during the selleck inhibitor last full 120,000-year glacial cycle and found they actually expanded rather than contracted in their ranges during each hypothermal phase. They modeled the distribution of lowland evergreen rainforest, upland forest (>1,000 m), and coastal mangrove forest over a large portion of Sundaland and their results, under several different climate scenarios, show that lowland and montane forests were far more extensive during most of the glacial period,

with or without the development of a savanna corridor across

the region. Modeling the last million years they concluded that it is today’s rainforests that are refugial and not those of, for example, the LGM. Southeast Asian forest changes are the opposite of those in better-known temperate regions; rather than shrinking during cooler periods, the lowland evergreen rainforest doubled in area as it spread across the emergent Sunda Shelf (Fig. 2b). Upland forest was 2–3 times more extensive for most of the last 120 kyr than it is during the present interglacial. The distribution of mangrove forest is more complicated: their minimum extent was during the LGM and their greatest extent was when sea levels were between −40 m and −70 m, typical sea levels during most of the last million from years. Mangrove forests have moved almost continuously and repeatedly with the shorelines over Pevonedistat manufacturer distances of >500 km for most of the last 2 Ma. When their model is extended to nearby continental regions

it will be most interesting to see how the seasonally dry evergreen forests change their distribution or were transformed into more deciduous forests. Cannon et al.’s (2009) analysis of vegetation changes coupled with Woodruff and Turner’s (2009) contribution PD0332991 datasheet regarding multiple sea level oscillations and repeated biotic compression (discussed below) over the last million years present a very different biogeographic picture of Southeast Asia than that envisioned by most earlier workers. The norm for the last few million years involves long cooler periods with slightly reduced rainfall, significantly lower sea levels, and 1.5 to 1.75 times as much land. The exceptional state involves the short warmer interglacials (the last 10 ka for example) with higher sea levels and the fragmentation of the land into islands and peninsulas. Interglacial conditions prevailed for <10% of last million years. Biogeographic regionalism: history as a guide to the future Understanding of the history of hotspots, refugia and biogeographic transitions is important for making projections about the future evolution and distribution of the biota and its conservation (Willis et al. 2007).

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