The main findings were that the balance training protocol using the Biodex Balance System in institutionalised older people reduced their fear of falling and improved their dynamic balance and knee strength. The feasibility of this training protocol was also demonstrated in institutionalised older people with fear of falling by 100% adherence to the protocol in this population. Fear of falling (Falls Efficacy Scale International score > 26)
is a powerful predictor of falls (Ersoy et al 2009). Our results are CHIR-99021 concentration consistent with other studies examining the effects of dynamic balance training on fear of falling. For example, participation in Tai-chi exercises by older people living in the community led to a 12% decrease in fear of falling measured buy PFT�� with a 10-cm visual analogue scale (Lin et al 2006). In another study, a program of Taichi exercises induced an 11% reduction in fear of falling as measured by the Activities-Specific
Balance Confidence Scale questionnaire (Sattin et al 2005). One study involving traditional balance training in a geriatric setting achieved a 3% decrease in fear of falling measured using the Falls Efficacy Scale International questionnaire (Hagedorn and Holm 2010). To our knowledge, the present study is the first to achieve a moderate effect size on fear of falling with only 30 minutes of balance intervention per week for 12 weeks. The improvement in dynamic balance with the experimental intervention was consistent with the results of previous studies (Hoffman and Payne 1995, Sinaki and Lynn 2002). Orientation in space and maintenance of balance requires inputs from the vestibular, somatosensory and visual systems, which is why many interventions incorporate the visual system. One study used a computerised visual feedback system with three infrared sensors that recorded body position together with four different games to train dynamic balance; this protocol led to a 5% improvement in dynamic balance measured by Dynamic Gait Index (Hagedorn
and Holm 2010). In the present study, we used similar exercises that included visual feedback because vision is very important for the maintenance of postural control in older Ketanserin people (Perrin et al 1997). The moderate effect sizes reported in our study could be due to the feasibility of our intervention, the incorporation of both static and dynamic balance elements, the lower initial level of participants, and specific work on visual and proprioceptive components of balance. The intervention also improved knee flexor and extensor isometric strength. Although the magnitude of the change was small, the changes in knee extensor isometric strength in our subjects may be important to explain the improvements in dynamic balance induced by the interventions.