To quantify IL-4 and IFNγ, fluoresceinated microbeads coated with capture antibodies (IL-4: BVD-1D11; IFN-γ:AN-18) were added to 50 μl BAL fluid and incubated overnight at 4 °C. Cytokines were detected with biotinylated anti-IFNγ (XMG1.2) and -IL-4 (BVD6-24G2), and PE-labeled streptavidin. Fluorescence was measured using a Luminex model 100 XYP (Luminex, Austin, TX, USA). Antibodies were purchased from BD
Biosciences. Naïve and PVM-infected (d. 14 p.i.) donor mice were sacrificed, single cell suspensions prepared of lungs, spleens and MLNs were mixed and stained PFT�� price with PE-labeled antibodies against CD19, CD4, MHC-II and NKp46 (without Fc-block). Negative selection was performed using a BD Influx (BD this website Biosciences). Recipient mice received 5 × 106 enriched cells in 200 μl PBS i.v., and then were infected with PVM. Intranasal infection with 25 pfu of PVM strain J3666 induced severe but sublethal disease in BALB/c mice, with weight reduction of approximately 15–20% of original body weight (data not shown). During the first days of infection, PVM rapidly replicated to high numbers (Fig. 1A). Viral copy numbers peaked at d. 8 p.i. and then declined. In order to determine their protective capacity, we first studied CD8+ T-cell kinetics during primary PVM infection and compared these with the well-described CD8+ T-cell responses in influenza and hRSV-infected mice [36] and [37]. The relative proportions of CD8+ T-cells in the
airways of PVM-infected mice strongly increased over time (Fig. 1B), and from d. 10 onwards approximately
60% of lymphocytes in the BAL were CD8+ T-cells. In influenza- and hRSV-infected mice, initially, the proportions of CD8+ T-cells in the airways were higher than in PVM-infected mice but then dropped, when relative proportions of CD8+ T-cells in PVM-infected mice were still rising (Fig. 1B). Quantification of virus-specific CD8+ T-cells with MHC class I tetramers containing a dominant epitope of either PVM (P261–269[30]), influenza (NP147–155[38]) or hRSV (M282–90[39]), demonstrated that NP147–155- and M282–90-specific CD8+ T-cells aminophylline were detectable at d. 6 p.i. and expanded until d. 8–10 p.i. when a plateau was reached (Fig. 1C). In PVM-infected mice, the BAL did not contain any P261–269-specific CD8+ T-cells at d. 6 p.i, and only a small population of P261–269-specific CD8+ T-cells could be detected at d. 8 p.i. (Fig. 1D and E). The relative proportions of P261–269 tetramer+ CD8+ T-cells further increased until d. 10 p.i. after which levels remained high (Fig. 1D and E). To determine whether PVM-specific CD8+ T-cell were functional, we quantified IFNγ production in virus-specific CD8+ T-cells after ex vivo P261–269 stimulation. Consistent with earlier publications [30] and [37], we found that IFNγ producing P261–269-specific CD8+ T-cells were barely detectable at d. 8 of infection ( Fig. 1F and G) but then increased in numbers.