Participants completed a warm-up consisting of a five-minute cycl

Participants completed a warm-up consisting of a five-minute cycle at a workload of 50 W. Following warm-up, participants pedaled at 110% of the maximum workload achieved during their VO2PEAK test. Keeping a cadence of BKM120 order 70 RPM, they pedaled until volitional exhaustion. Time was recorded in seconds, and total work done (TWD) was reported in kilojoules, determined by multiplying the workload in watts and the time

to exhaustion in seconds. Reliability of VO2PEAK, VT and TWD was determined using a subsample of subjects (n = 10) measured during each scheduled testing week. The test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient (R) was 0.96 (SE ± 0.1 L), 0.67 (SE ± 0.3 L), and 0.79 (SE ± 4.8 kJ), respectively, for the three measurement variables. A total of three testing sessions occurred throughout a nine-week period–familiarization (week 1), baseline (week 4), and post (week 9). Familiarization testing was implemented to reduce any learning effect–possibly influencing the dependent variables as well as the training intensity–from the initial VO2PEAK testing. Supplementation Following familiarization testing, participants were randomly assigned, in a double-blind fashion to either a Cr (n = 16) or a Pl (n = 17) group. A control group (CON;

n = 10), neither supplemented nor completed the high-intensity interval training, and instead only completed the testing measurements during each of the scheduled testing weeks. Participants FK228 supplemented for a total of 30 days (10 days of familiarization period followed by an additional Tacrolimus (FK506) 20 days of supplementing and training) at a dose of 10 g per day, taken in two doses–one dose 30 minutes prior to and one dose immediately following training. Participants only supplemented on training days (5 days/week) under the supervision of the researchers, to monitor compliance. Participants in the Cr group consumed 5 g of creatine citrate mixed with 15 g dextrose per packet (Creatine Edge, FSI Nutrition, Omaha, NE), dissolved in 4-8 ounces of water. Similarly, participants in the PL group consumed 20 g of dextrose per packet dissolved

in 4-8 ounces of water. Both drinks were identical in SB202190 mouse appearance and taste. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) Training began at least 24-48 hours following the TTE test. Participants were required to visit the lab five days per week, for six weeks, to perform the HIIT. A two-week familiarization training period was implemented before taking baseline testing measurements. Due to the effectiveness of the training, and to the generally untrained population, a familiarization period was implemented to allow for all participants to quickly adapt to the high-intensity protocol. Previous research has shown significant improvements in performance with just two weeks of HIIT [21]. Furthermore, in a previous study from our lab in which a familiarization period was not used, the large adaptations from training may have masked any effects from supplementation [22].

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