syringae pv phaseolicola and pv actinidae The molecular struct

syringae pv. phaseolicola and pv. actinidae. The molecular structure of phaseolotoxin

includes a sulphodiaminophosphinyl moiety linked to a tripeptide of ornithine, alanine and homoarginine [2]. Phaseolotoxin inhibits ornithine MCC950 in vitro carbamoyltransferase (OCT, EC [7]. The phaseolotoxin homoarginine and ornithine residues are synthesised by a transamidation reaction that requires arginine and selleckchem lysine [8, 9]. Aguilera et al. [10] have reported a biosynthetic cluster, pht, which is composed of 23 genes flanked by insertion sequences and transposases, that is involved in the biosynthesis of phaseolotoxin. Mutations of 11 of the genes within the cluster led to a Tox- phenotype, and the mutation of three additional genes resulted in low levels of toxin production. Preliminary results also indicated that the product of phtL may be involved in the regulation of phaseolotoxin biosynthesis [10]. Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) is a pathogenic bacterium that can cause canker, blossom blights and leaf spots in more than 200 different plant species, many of which are of economic importance [11]. Strains of this pathovar can cause bacterial apical necrosis on mango trees, limiting mango production in the Mediterranean area [12]. More than 86% of the Pss strains isolated from mango tissues produce mangotoxin, an antimetabolite toxin that inhibits ornithine N-acetyl-transferase (OAT), a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of arginine [13].

Mangotoxin also acts as a virulence factor that increases the necrotic symptoms Proteasome inhibitor of Pss strains during the infection of plant tissues [14]. In a previous study, a DNA fragment

from Pss, UMAF0158, was cloned into pCG2-6 and sequenced (DQ532441), revealing a cluster of 4 ORFs that included the mgoA gene. Our group identified mgoA as the first P. syringae pv. syringae gene known to be directly involved in mangotoxin production [15]. This gene encodes a putative nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS), and its inactivation by insertional mutagenesis abolishes mangotoxin production and drastically reduces virulence [14, 15]. The genetic organisation of the three remaining genes and their roles in the production of mangotoxin remain unknown. The goal of our current study is to determine the organisation of the four ORFs in this cluster (Figure 1) and their relative importance in the production Etofibrate of mangotoxin. Figure 1 Organisation of the DNA cloned into pCG2-6 and the locations of the insertional and mini Tn5 mutants used in this study. pCG2-6 contains an 11,103-bp insert of chromosomal DNA derived from Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae UMAF0158 (GenBank accession number DQ532441). The site of insertion or miniTn5 within the UMAF0158-3γH1 and UMAF0158-6γF6 mutants (▼) [15] as well as the design of the insertional mutants (↑) generated in the current study are indicated. The predicted sites of the putative promoters (►) and transcriptional terminators (○) are indicated.

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