(a diminutive species of Mycena),

which is an earlier hom

(a diminutive species of Mycena),

which is an earlier homonym of a conserved name. In pers. comm. from S. Pennycook (13 Apr 2012), he explained: “In the sanctioning work (p. 105), Fries referred (indirectly) the name to “Pers Obs. Myc. 2. p. 49. Syn. 334. Wulf. In Jacq. Coll. 2. p. 106. [etc.]”. Wulfen is the earliest of the numerous references. However, Wulfen (Misc. Austriac. 2: 106. 1781) explicitly referred the name to Schaeffer, and so did Persoon (Syn. Meth. Fung.: 334. 1801). In the 1821 volume index (p. 508), see more Fries cited the name as “coccineus Wulf.”; and in Syst. Mycol. Index Alphabeticus (1832, p. 13; also part of the sanctioning works) he cited the sanctioned A. coccineus as “Wulf. Pers.” (along with four unsanctioned A. coccineus homonyms), but in Epicrisis (1838, p. 330) and Hymen. Eur. (1874, pp. 417–418), he made the indirect reference explicit, citing the basionym of selleck screening library Hygrophorus coccineus as Agaricus coccineus Shaeff. [Fung. Bavar. Palat. Nasc. 4: 70. 1774].” Hygrocybe species in subg. Pseudeudohygrocybe

typically differ from those in subg. Hygrocybe in having relatively short lamellar trama hyphae with right-angled septa and long basidia relative to spore length (Fig. 9). Currently, subg. Pseudohygrocybe s.s. has one widely recognized section – Coccineae, while sect. Firmae Heinem. with dimorphic spores and basidia has been recognized by some tropical agaricologists (Cantrell and Lodge 2001, Courtecuisse 1989, Heim 1967, Pegler 1983), but not others (Horak 1971, Singer 1986, check details Young 2005). Our Hygrocybe LSU analysis (Online Resource 7) strongly recovers a sister relationship with subg. Hygrocybe, albeit without bootstrap support. Though H. miniata is universally regarded as belonging to the same section as H. coccinea (i.e., in sect. Coccineae), our LSU analysis of tribe Hygrocybeae instead places H. miniata in a strongly supported clade that is sister to sect. Firmae s.s. (100 % MLBS). We have retained sect. Firmae Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase and leave the unnamed H. miniata clade unplaced. The remaining former sections of subg. Pseudohygrocybe are treated here as segregate genera. The genus Hygroaster could be reduced to a

subgenus or to section rank in subg. Pseudohygrocybe to keep the genus Hygrocybe s.l. monophyletic (i.e., including the segregate genera Hygroaster, Neohygrocybe, Humidicutis, Gliophorus, Porpolomopsis and Chromosera in Hygrocybe). Sect. Coccineae s.s. currently has three subsections: Puniceae, Siccae and Squamulosae. Additional sections and subsections will likely be named in Hygrocybe subg. Pseudohygrocybe with further sampling of gene regions and taxa. Fig. 9 Hygrocybe (subg. Pseudohygrocybe) sect. Coccineae, Hygrocybe purpureofolia lamellar cross section (NC-64, DJL05NC64). Scale bar = 20 μm Hygrocybe sect. Coccineae Fayod, Proc. Hist. Nat. Agar. Ann. Scient. Nat. 7(9): 309 (1889). Lectotype species: Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol.

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