In several earlier studies members of order Clostridiales have be

In several earlier studies Cell Cycle inhibitor members of order Clostridiales have been detected to represent a dominant fraction of bacterial communities in AD and these bacteria are recognised important in biogas production [56–58]. Coprothermobacter sp. and Syntrophomonas sp.

were also relatively common, with Coprothermobacter found solely in thermophilic and I-BET151 nmr Syntrophomonas in both reactors. Archaeal diversity We were able to identify 89% of all archaeal reads at phylum level and 34% at genus level. All the Archaea classified at phylum level belonged to phylum Euryarchaeota. This is in agreement with other descriptions of archaeal composition of anaerobic sludge where Euryarchaeota clearly dominate over Crenarchaeota, and orders Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales are known to represent an eminent proportion of the Archaea present [59]. The two identified ZD1839 methanogenic classes were Methanobacteria and Methanomicrobia. These methanogens were found at both temperatures, although Methanobacteria were more prevalent in the thermophilic conditions (M3 and M4) than in the mesophilic conditions (M1 and M2). These classes represent typical archaeal constituents in methanogenic AD systems [54]. We identified also six different archaeal genera in

our dataset based on BLAST against nr/nt database. Methanosarcina was very abundant, and slightly more common in the mesophilic process. Methanobrevibacter selleck chemical Methanosphaera Methanospirillum and Methanosphaerula were abundant in mesophilic digestor (M1 and M2), while Methanobacterium was detected merely in thermohilic digestor (M3 and M4). In agreement with our study, Goberna and co-workers also found an increase of Methanobacteria in thermophilic AD [60]. Several studies have shown that Methanosarcina sp., Methanococcus sp. Methanoculleus sp., Methanomethylovorans sp. and Methanobacterium are typically found in anaerobic

digesters [4, 6, 8–11]. Fungal diversity We identified 85% of the fungal sequences at phylum level and 44% at genus level. The Fungi detected in our study belonged to two phyla, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. The sequence reads assigned to Ascomycota represented almost 99% of the fungal sequences and consequently, Basidiomycota constituted about 1% of the fungal reads. Saccharomycetes and Eurotiomycetes were the most abundant fungal classes in the whole dataset, constituting 58% and 12% of the fungal sequence reads, respectively. These classes were found in both temperatures, with Saccharomycetes being more abundant in the thermophilic digestor (M3 and M4) and Eurotiomycetes in the mesophilic digestor (M1 and M2) (Figure 2). A total of 33 fungal genera were detected. By far the most abundant was Candida, found in both processes at both samplings, but especially prevalently in the thermophilic reactor.

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