These include PgpB, YbjG and YeiU of E coli, which belong to typ

These include PgpB, YbjG and YeiU of E. coli, which belong to type 2 phosphatidic acid phosphatase family [53]. As Rv2135c and Rv2136c are predicted

to be in the same operon, it may be possible that membrane associated Rv2135c performs a role similar to Rv2136c. According to String Prokaryotic Operon Predictor (http://​operons.​ibt.​unam.​mx/​OperonPredictor/​), homologs of Rv2135c are identified in the same operon as the homologs of Rv2136c (undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase gene) in some other mycobacteria. These include MK-0518 mw M. marinum, M. ulcerans, M. smegmatis and M. leprae, but not M. avium. Using tblastx [35, 38], it was found that homologs of Rv2135c and Rv2136c share adjacent positions in the genome of a number of other bacteria belonging to the actinomycetales such as Nocardioides, Micrococcus, Cellulomonas, Geodermatophilus, etc. Additional experiments

JPH203 research buy are needed to investigate the functional relationship between these two genes. Using Phyre2 [54], Rv2135c was modeled as a globular protein with a fairly large and hydrophobic pocket on its surface, which might provide a binding space for an undecaprenyl (see Additional file 2). A novel type of phosphoserine phosphatase of Hydrogenobacter thermophiles[55] was also identified as the most similar protein with known crystallographic structural data. However, the possible tetrameric structure of Rv2135c in the native form warrants further biochemical, computational and crystallographic studies in order to ascertain the natural substrate of this enzyme. The crystal structure of Combretastatin A4 Rv0489 was previously determined at 1.7 Å resolution. The residues at its active site were demonstrated to superimpose with corresponding residues of E. coli cofactor dependent phosphoglycerate mutase [16]. This study presents the first report of its biochemical activity and kinetic parameters, confirming it

as a mycobacterial cofactor dependent phosphoglycerate mutase. Rv0489 was earlier found to be essential for the in vitro growth of H37Rv strain of M. tuberculosis by Himar1-based transposon mutagenesis [56], making it a putative target for drug development. Information about its kinetic parameters may be useful for formulating target-based screening learn more assay for new drug discovery. This study shows that Rv0489 forms a dimer in solution. However, previous crystallization study carried out on Rv0489 showed it as a tetramer and referred to it as a dimer of dimers [16]. Cofactor dependent phosphoglycerate mutases from E. coli and Homo sapiens have been shown to be dimers [57, 58] while those from Saccharomyces cerevisae and Lactococcus lactis are tetramers [59, 60]. Conclusion Most well-characterized histidine acid phosphatases were reported from eukaryotes [9]. A bacterial histidine phosphatase is usually labeled as a phosphoglycerate mutase by automatic annotation systems.

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