For instance, while IFNγ is

required to control infection

For instance, while IFNγ is

required to control infection with SL3261 as shown here and by Vancott et al. [41] it is dispensable for control of infection with a phoP mutant. In summary, we have investigated the role of the F0F1 ATPase in S. Typhimurium infection and shown VX770 that this protein complex makes a significant contribution to bacterial growth in vivo. Furthermore, mutants lacking the atp operon have potential utility as novel live attenuated vaccine strains against Salmonella infection. This work was supported by a BBRSC Project Grant and a BBSRC Industrial Partner Pfizer CASE Studentship BBS/S/N/2006/13095. The work in knock-out mice was supported by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. The technical assistance of C. Willers and D.B. Cone is gratefully acknowledged. “
“Although a successful eradication of certain infectious diseases such as smallpox has been realized, vaccination strategies against human pathogenic parasites remain a fundamental challenge for biomedical research [1]. Long-lasting protective antibody production is one of the hallmarks of effective vaccination and is an important feature of immunological

memory [2]. The clinically silent liver stage of Plasmodium infection epitomizes an attractive target for antimalarial vaccine development [3] and [4]. However, despite decade long endeavors, no antimalarial vaccines have been licensed today. Nevertheless, promising results are emerging despite the fact that the leading pre-erythrocytic subunit vaccine candidate (RTS,S) has proven to be only partially protective in clinical trials [5]. In the previous study, we have shown that a recombinant (r) BCG expressing the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (BCG-CS) induced activation and priming of CSp-specific immunity in BALB/c mice [6]. A prime-boost regimen consisting of this BCG-CS combined with adenovector 35 (Ad35) expressing the same antigen (Ad35-CS) is utilized in this work. Based on evidences in literature we conclude

that a reasonable strategy to induce broad and prolonged immune response against malaria infection may be realized by priming with recombinant virus and not boosting with rBCG [7], [8] and [9]. Therefore, a rBCG provides an option that can fit within the existing World Health Organization (WHO) expanded program of immunization (EPI) considering that BCG is being given at birth. Since a major concern is, how to induce protective cell-mediated immunity (CMI) particularly IFN-γ-producing CD8+ T cells, which have been shown to provide long-term immunity to malaria [10]. These cells are essential in combating parasitic infections, including malaria. Due to intracellular expression of the CSp insert in the rAd35 genome and the intracellular residence of BCG expressing the same antigen, we propose that BCG-CS is likely an efficient route of antigen delivery.

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