Activating mutations in the human Trpv4 gene were recently shown

Activating mutations in the human Trpv4 gene were recently shown to be present in individuals with a surprising range of genetic disorders including skeletal dysplasias, but also Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and sensory and motor neuropathies ( Auer-Grumbach et al., 2010, Deng et al., 2010, Krakow et al., 2009, Landouré et al., 2010, Nilius and Owsianik, LY2157299 chemical structure 2010 and Rock et al., 2008). It is entirely possible that the small number of individuals identified with activating mutations in the Trpv4 gene have metabolic or cardiovascular deficits due to malfunction of the afferent pathway

described here. Our study on the molecular characterization of this novel osmosensitive afferent pathway could potentially lead to the development of new procedures to target this pathway in vivo. It has already been demonstrated that orthostatic hypotension and postprandial hypotension respond to water drinking ( Jordan et al., 2000, Schroeder et al., 2002 and Shannon et al., 2002). Moreover, water drinking in man can prevent neutrally mediated syncope during blood donation or after prolonged standing ( Claydon et al., 2006, Hanson and France, 2004, Lu et al., 2003 and Schroeder et al., 2002). Finally, water drinking is also associated

with weight loss in overweight individuals ( Stookey et al., 2008). The characterization of the Panobinostat mouse afferent arc of the reflex responsible for such effects will allow a better understanding of the physiological role of this reflex and allow the development of tools for its manipulation. Water,

phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), or water doped with 100 μM RR were administered orally using an application cannula with a rounded tip, fluids being dripped into the back of the mouth to evoke a swallowing reflex. Fluid intake was completed within 60 s. Rolziracetam Small blood samples (50 μl) were taken from the hepatic portal vein and osmolality determined using a vapor-pressure osmometer (VAPRO, Wescor). We obtained serum samples from liver transplant recipients and measured osmolality as above. We also determined C-terminal pro-arginine-vasopressin using an immunoluminometric assay (kindly provided by BRAHMS GmbH). All studies using human material were approved by the ethics committee of the Medical School Hannover. Thirty minutes after drinking, animals were anaesthetized with a Ketavet (10 mg/ml)/Rompun (0.04%) mixture (Pfizer, Bayer), and perfused with chilled (4°C) 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS. The liver was removed, postfixed in 4% PFA at 4°C for 2 hr, dehydrated with 25% sucrose in PBS for 1–3 days and 20 μm cryosections were prepared and collected on gelatine coated slides. Tissue sections were pre-incubated in 1% serum albumin (BSA) and 0.3% Triton X-100 in TBS (Tris buffered saline) for 2 hr and incubated overnight at RT with primary antibodies (pERK 1:250, Cell Signaling, PGP9.5 1:1000, UltraClone Ltd, TRPV4 1:200 ab39260 Abcam) in TBS with 0.3% Triton X-100 and 5% normal goat serum.

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