Thus, rather than just implementing a global “thalamic gate,” sle

Thus, rather than just implementing a global “thalamic gate,” sleep spindle oscillations may contribute to synaptic plasticity in a circuit-specific manner. In summary, the current results further extend and refine our evolving view of neuronal activity in sleep by showing that the two fundamental brain oscillations of sleep—slow waves and spindles—occur mostly locally. It may be that a functional disconnection among different sectors of the corticothalamic system may represent a unique feature of sleep, with as yet unexplored functional

consequences. Thirteen patients with intractable epilepsy were implanted with intracranial depth electrodes to identify seizure foci for potential surgical treatment. Electrode ABT-263 datasheet location was based solely on clinical criteria. All patients provided written informed consent to participate in the research study, under the approval of the Medical Trametinib in vivo Institutional Review Board at UCLA. Sleep studies were conducted on the hospital ward 48–72 hr after surgery and lasted 7 hr on average, and sleep-wake stages were scored according to established guidelines. The montage included two EOG

electrodes; two EMG electrodes; scalp electrodes at C3, C4, Pz, and Fz; two earlobe electrodes used for reference; and continuous video monitoring. In each patient, 8–12 depth electrodes were implanted targeting medial brain areas. Both scalp and depth EEG data were continuously recorded at a sampling rate of 2 kHz, below bandpass-filtered between 0.1 and 500 Hz, and re-referenced offline to the mean signal recorded from the earlobes. Intracranial/depth EEG refers to data recorded from the most medial platinum contact

along the shaft (Figure 1D, blue). Each electrode terminated in eight 40-μm platinum-iridium microwires from which extracellular signals were continuously recorded (referenced locally to a ninth noninsulated microwire) at a sampling rate of 28/30 kHz and bandpass-filtered between 1 and 6000 Hz. Action potentials were detected by high-pass filtering the extracellular recordings above 300 Hz and applying a threshold at 5 SD above the median noise level. Detected events were further categorized as noise, single-unit, or multiunit events using superparamagnetic clustering, as in (Nir et al., 2008). Unit stability throughout sleep recordings was confirmed by verifying that spike waveforms and inter-spike-interval distributions were consistent and distinct throughout the night (Figure S3B). For visualizations purposes in Figures 1F, 4A, and 7D and Figure S4, multiunit activity (MUA) traces were extracted from microwire recordings by filtering the signals offline between 300 and 3000 Hz. Detection details for all events are given in the Supplemental Experimental Procedures. Putative slow waves were subdivided into those preceded (within 1 s) by an interictal spike (“paroxysmal” discharges) and those unrelated to paroxysmal events (“physiological” sleep slow waves).

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