In the Frome a GSSI SIR3000 with 200 MHz antennae was used, colle

In the Frome a GSSI SIR3000 with 200 MHz antennae was used, collecting data with a survey wheel and using a 5 gain point signal amplification. Dating used both radiocarbon AMS and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). AMS dates were calibrated using Stuiver et al. (1998) and where possible identified macroscopic plant remains were dated. In both

catchments the data were input to a GIS model (ArcGIS version 8.3) along with Landmap Ordnance Survey data with a 10 m posting. More detailed satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) data with a 5 m posting relief data were Ruxolitinib clinical trial obtained for part of the Frome catchment in the lower reaches of the valley in order to create a bare-earth DTM. Other data were taken from published sources and archaeological data were taken from the historic environment register (HER) of each area. Valley cross-sections were logged, augered and cored at 7 locations from the headwaters to the confluence with the river Lugg (Fig. 4). As can be seen from the long-section, which uses the maximum valley thickness in each reach, the valley fill is dominated by a thick (up to 5 m) silty-sand unit (Fig. 5). This unit which was clearly seen on the GPR transects overlies blue-grey clays with organics and in places sand and gravel. As can be seen from Fig. 5a the fill thickens dramatically between Sections 3 and 4 and this corresponds

with the confluence of a tributary which drains an area of the north west of the catchment which has stagnogleyic argillic brown earth soils that are particularly erodible. At the base of the over-thickened superficial valley unit was a series of small palaeochannels and hydromorphic soils (Fig. 6) which were not

truncated. One Glycogen branching enzyme particularly prominent palaeochannel at Yarkhill (Section 5) has started to infill with the silty sand of the superficial unit. From these channel fills plant macrofossils were obtained and AMS dated (Table 2). The AMS dates all fall within the period 4440–3560 PB (2490–1610 cal BCE at 95% confidence). This time window corresponds with the British late Neolithic and early Bronze Age. Both pastoral and arable agriculture started here in the early Neolithic (c. 4000 BCE) but it was restricted and sporadic and did not really expand until the late Neolithic (Stevens and Fuller, 2012). In order to test the hypothesis that farming within this catchment followed this trajectory and was therefore co-incident with this major stratigraphic discontinuity we undertook pollen and spore analysis on three bank sections and two cores. Only a summary is given here with more details in Brown et al. (2011). The results showed that the organic rich unit at Sections 4 and 5 was deposited during a period of significant change in the vegetation of the floodplain and adjacent slopes.

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