​eztaxon-e ​org, contains representative phylotypes of either cul

​eztaxon-e.​org, contains representative phylotypes of either cultured or uncultured entries in the GenBank public database with complete hierarchical taxonomic classification from phylum to species. Representative phylotypes were designated as tentative species with artificially given specific epithets. For example, the specific epithet

Streptococcus EU453973_s buy Kinase Inhibitor Library was given for the GenBank sequence entry EU453973, which plays a role as the type strain of a tentative species belonging to the genus Streptococcus. Similarly, tentative names for taxonomic ranks that were higher than species were also assigned where appropriate. Using this approach, the presence of species that have not yet been described can be compared across multiple bacterial community datasets. Details of the EzTaxon-extended database and software for related bioinformatic analyses will be published elsewhere. Each pyrosequencing read was taxonomically assigned by comparing

it with sequences in the database using a combination of initial BLASTN-based searches and pairwise similarity comparisons as described this website by Chun et al. [23]. We used the following criteria for taxonomic assignment of each read (x = similarity): species (x ≥ 97%), genus (97 > x ≥ 94%), CP-690550 chemical structure family (94 > x ≥ 90%), order (90 > x ≥ 85%), class (85 > x ≥ 80%), and phylum (80 > x ≥ 75%). If the similarity was below the cutoff point, the read was assigned to an “”unclassified”" group. Previously published pyrosequencing data for human saliva and plaque bacterial communities [6] were obtained from the public domain and also processed using the same bioinformatic pipeline based on the JAVA programming language. Calculation of species richness and diversity indices The diversity, species richness indices,

and rarefaction curves were calculated using the Ribosomal RNA database project’s pyrosequencing pipeline http://​pyro.​cme.​msu.​edu/​. The cutoff value for assigning a sequence to the same group (phylotype) was equal to or greater than 97% similarity. Statistics The differences between WT and TLR2-deficient mice were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U-test using SAS 9.1.3 software. The statistical significance Sinomenine was set at p < 0.05. Acknowledgements We thank Prof. Jonathan Adams for critically reviewing the manuscript. This study was supported by grants R13-2008-008-01003-0 from the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Relative abundance of the major phyla and species/phylotypes identified in human oral bacterial communities. The previously published data of human plaque and saliva were analyzed using a new bioinformatic system for taxonomic assignment. The relative abundance of phyla (A) and top 10 species/phylotypes (B) are shown. (PPT 86 KB) References 1.

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