0182 and between amebic liver abscess and diarrhea/dysentery samples p = 0.0003; q = 0.0144). Figure 5 SNPs 1&2 in the EHI_080100 locus segregate with disease. Distribution of the SNP1 which was either Reference (□,MS)(Ref), Non-Reference (■ ALA);(Non-Ref) was shown on the x-axis. The number of samples of with this genotype isolated from patients with either amebic liver abscesses diarrhea/(D/D) asymptomatic disease COL was shown on the y-axis. Fisher’s pairwise comparison between
asymptomatic and diarrhea/dysentery p = 0.0182 (*); between amebic liver abscess and diarrhea/dysentery samples p = 0.0003; q = 0.0144 (**); Chi-squared contingency analysis of all phenotypes p = 0.002; q = 0.032 (**). Amebic liver SHP099 cell line abscess is a complication only found in adults whereas dysentery is more frequent in children. The liver aspirate samples in this study were collected from adults, at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. This is a geographically distinct location from the dysenteric
Selleckchem Ro-3306 and asymptomatic samples that were collected from children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. One goal of this study was to identify SNPs to type the virulence potential of the parasite in amebic liver aspirates; if SNPs occur at different frequencies in Dhaka and Rajshahi isolates they will appear as potential biomarkers of parasites with the potential to initiate amebic liver abscesses. The difference in SNP 1&2 frequency in both asymptomatic and diarrheal samples was replicated however in the sequenced genomes from diverse populations in Asia and South America (described in Table 1 and Additional file 1: Table S6 and included in Data set 2 Additional file 1: Table S11) [24, 29, 35, 39]. The previously discussed locus, LCAT EHI_065250, which contained five different SNPs (3–7), was also associated with symptomatic disease however possible Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) selection
in culture rendered the distribution less significant within the larger data set (Table 3). The changes at both the LCAT EHI_065250 and the cylicin-2 EHI_080100 loci altered a potential phosphorylation site in the encoded protein sequence (NetPhos [43]), and are located at the C-terminal portion of the proteins (Figure 6). Expression of EHI_065250 has been shown to be modulated in the mouse model of amebiasis, and to be under the control of the URE3-BP transcription factor [9, 44]. EHI_080100 appears to be a novel member of the E. histolytica “promoter family” potential membrane proteins regulated by the transcription factor URE3-BP with highly similar promoters, and amino- and carboxyl-terminal sequences (sites of signal peptide and transmembrane domains) [44]. EHI_080100 encodes a hydrophilic Glutamic acid/Lysine rich protein with an N-terminal Signal P and PND-1186 mw although annotated as cylicin-2, it is not an ortholog of the human gene [45].