, 2014), is to provide more human-relevant assessment of pro-arrh

, 2014), is to provide more human-relevant assessment of pro-arrhythmic risk as early as possible in drug development. Instead of using animal-based experimental models, more accurate predictions for human QT and pro-arrhythmic risk could be obtained by using human mathematical action potential simulations, based on data from human ion channel protein screens, in the near future. The performance of such simulations for cardiac safety assessment is going to be sensitive to both the choice of action potential model, and the choice of screening data.

There are layers of complexity PI3K inhibitor that are ignored by simply screening four or five ion channels and predicting a human body surface response using these models. Yet the levels of success we observed here suggest that the majority of biophysical processes which are contributing to QT prolongation are captured by screening a handful of ion channels, and are integrated appropriately by the mathematical models. This is very encouraging for future refinement of this Sorafenib work, and extending the approach to examine pro-arrhythmic risk mechanistically. We thank Gary Gintant for providing information

on the references and calculations used to inform TQT concentrations, as used in Gintant (2011) and subsequently this study. At AZ and GSK, thanks to Ryan Elkins, Metul Patel and David Standing for screening work; and to Jonathan Stott and James Louttit for their thoughts. The authors would also like to thank Tom Dunton and Dan Harvey of the Oxford Computational Biology Group for crash courses in matplotlib and multi-threading respectively, and also Blanca

Rodriguez and Denis Noble for helpful discussions. GRM and Levetiracetam DJG gratefully acknowledge research support from: the ‘2020 Science’ programme funded through the EPSRC Cross-Discipline Interface Programme (EP/I017909/1) and supported by Microsoft Research; an NC3Rs/EPSRC Strategic Award in Mathematics and Toxicology (NC/K001337/1); and a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (Grant Number 101222/Z/13/Z) to GRM. “
“Convulsions observed in pre-clinical studies are often the first indication of the seizure potential of a compound in development. In this context, recognition of seizure activity and any premonitory signs thereof (Scaramelli et al., 2009) obtained by means of a reliable method can be crucial, as an estimated 6.1% of new-onset seizures are drug-related (Pesola & Avasarala, 2002). Seizure detection is also of increasing importance, due to the multitude of commercially available drugs known to lower seizure threshold and/or increase the incidence of seizures in patients taking these agents.

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