28 These studies highlight the utility of perfusion decellularization to generate whole organ bioscaffolds with significant potential for organ bioengineering. Typically, neovascularization of bioengineered tissues was addressed by supplementing cells with angiogenic growth factors29, 30 or fabricating scaffolds from synthetic material that allowed micro-patterning of vascular tree-like structures.31 When growth factors are used alone, they tend to create only a microvasculature consisting
of small and fragile capillaries, and therefore this technique is only applicable for the engineering of smaller size tissues. An alternative fabrication method is using a micropatterning technique that can be scaled up to larger sizes by modular construction. However, SCH 900776 datasheet currently this method cannot replicate the progressive complexity and ECM composition of the native liver vascular tree.32 The bioscaffolds generated from whole livers produced via our decellularization method retain the complexity of multiple size vessels that can deliver
fluids from the larger vena cava or the portal vein and reach each individual liver lobule. An additional advantage of this method is the retention of important ECM molecules required for site-specific engraftment and/or differentiation of different cell types that are present in the liver. Prior research showed FK506 concentration that liver-specific stem cells can be isolated18, 33 and differentiated to hepatic fate.34 We used hFLCs in combination with hUVECs to recellularize the bioscaffolds, compared with adult hepatocytes used in many previous studies, Adult hepatocytes are larger and susceptible to mechanical stresses, resulting in lower seeding MCE公司 and functional efficiencies. The advantage of seeding fetal liver cells is that they contain large numbers of hepatic progenitors18, 33 that can give rise to hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells and EC. On the other hand, the progenitors require specific cues to direct them to their native niches in the tissue and to support their growth and differentiation.35, 36 Preservation of ECM molecules and
GAGs at their correct locations within the acellular bioscaffold provides these cues. Detection of CK19+/CK18−/ALB− tubular structures as well as clusters of ALB+/CK18+ cells in the parenchyma suggests that the bioscaffold is able to support the differentiation of the fetal hepatoblasts into biliary and hepatocytic lineages, respectively. Thus, the use of the decellularized liver bioscaffold provides not only a three-dimensional vascularized scaffold for nutrient delivery, but also retains the environmental cues necessary for progenitor hepatic and endothelial cells to grow, differentiate and maintain functionality.35-37 A major obstacle in producing large-volume tissues is the delivery of adequate numbers of cells to the entire thickness of the tissue.