A reduction of the intensity of the HN resonances of protein B up

A reduction of the intensity of the HN resonances of protein B upon irradiation of protein A identifies the region of B in contact with A ( Fig. 2). In this experiment protein A is unlabelled, while protein B is 2H, 15N labelled, such that the saturation transfer is specific for the protein–protein interaction interface. Another version of this experiment can be designed that detects the methyl groups of protein B while saturating the aromatic or aliphatic resonances of protein A, or even detect the saturation CH5424802 cost transfer to the RNA aromatic protons upon saturation of protein side-chain resonances.

Dependent on the scheme of saturation and detection, the experiment can be performed either in D2O or in a mixture D2O/H2O to reduce dilution of the signal due to H2O mediated spin diffusion. GW-572016 We have applied this methodology to the ternary hPrp31 (human Prp31)–15.5K–U4

5′-SL (stem–loop) spliceosomal complex, which, due to its large size and instability, is not suitable for a complete structure determination by NMR [29]. We designed an experimental protocol where the protein–protein interaction surface is defined for 15.5 K by cross-saturation NMR data, while the relative orientation of the U4 RNA and the hPrp31 protein are described by mutational and cross-linking data. The decrease of the intensity of the HN resonances of 2D, 15N-labelled 15.5 K upon saturation of the methyl resonances of hPrp31 in the hPrp31–15.5K–U4 5′-SL complex was quantified and translated into distances. Using these data in a restrained ensemble docking protocol, we obtained a model for the ternary complex; comparison of the docking model with the crystal structure of a truncated version of the complex reveals that the docking model is accurate and reproduces all the features of the complex three-dimensional architecture PLEK2 ( Fig.

2). Furthermore, the atomic details of the protein–protein interaction surface, both in terms of electrostatics and van der Waals contacts, also show excellent agreement to the crystal structure, demonstrating that good accuracy can be obtained at an atomic level even when using sparse and highly ambiguous NMR restraints. Once the mutual interaction surfaces have been defined by chemical shift mapping and cross-saturation experiments, the single components need to be placed in the correct mutual orientation. To this end, one can use residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) [30] measured for each component of the complex under the same alignment conditions. RDCs report on the orientation of internuclear vectors with respect to the magnetic field; therefore, if the structure of the single components is known, the data can be used to orient the components with respect to each other. In high-molecular weight RNP complexes 15N–HN and 13C–1H RDCs of amide and methyl groups [31], respectively, are likely to be available for proteins, while for the nucleic acid components 15N–H and 13C–1H RDCs are available at most for the aromatic rings.

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