All participants received monetary compensation at a departmental
standard rate. Participants in the second experiment click here also received a small monetary bonus based on task performance. An MR-compatible joystick (MagConcept, Redwood City, CA) was used. The task was identical to the one used in the EEG experiment, with the following exceptions. For the first experiment initial positions of the icons were randomly assigned to the screen respecting a minimal distance of 150 pixels between icons. For the second experiment initial positions of the icons were rotations or reflections, varied randomly, of a preestablished arrangement of icons of a predetermined triangle with vertices truck (0, 200), package (151, −165), and house (0, −200) (coordinates are in pixels, referenced to the center of the screen). On type D jumps, the destination of the package was chosen randomly
from all locations satisfying the conditions that they (1) increase truck-to-package distance, but (2) leave total path length to the goal (house) unchanged. The forced delay involved in the task interruption (tone, package flashing) totaled 900 ms. At the completion of each delivery, the message “Congratulations!” was displayed for 1000 ms (Figure S1D), followed by a fixation cross that remained on screen for 6000 ms. The first fMRI experiment consisted selleck of three parts: a 15 min behavioral practice
outside the scanner, an 8 min practice inside the scanner during structural scan acquisition, and a third phase of approximately 45 min, where functional data were collected. During functional scanning, 90 trials were completed, in 6 runs of 15 trials each. At the beginning and end of each run, a central fixation cross was displayed for 10,000 ms. The average run length was 7.5 min (range 5.7–11). The task and procedure in the second fMRI experiment were identical to those in the first, with the following exceptions. Type D jumps were replaced almost with type C jumps (see Figure 2 in the main text). In these cases, the distance between truck and package always decreased to 120 pixels. The message “10¢” appeared for 500 ms, indicating the bonus earned for that trial. Immediately following this, a fixation cross appeared for 2500 ms, followed by onset of the next trial. The average run length was 6.8 min (range 4.7–10.7). Image acquisition protocols were the same for both experiments. Data were acquired with a 3 T Siemens Allegra (Malvern, PA) head-only MRI scanner, with a circularly polarized head volume coil. High-resolution (1 mm3 voxels) T1-weighted structural images were acquired with an MP-RAGE pulse sequence at the beginning of the scanning session.