
Although Obeticholic Acid concentration CRP and ESR are often useful to follow patients with TAK, some patients suffer from worsening of vasculitis without increasing CRP or ESR. Thus, biological markers which surpass CRP or ESR or function as compensation of these markers are required. A Japanese

group reported matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, -3 and -9 as useful to assess disease activity and follow TAK patients.[18] Since an increased level of MMP-3 according to prednisolone usage[17] has been reported, MMP-3 levels should be carefully interpreted. Serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, regulated upon activation, normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES), vascular cell adhesion molecules (VCAM) are also increased in patients with TAK.[18-21] IL-6 is also reported to be associated with TAK disease activity.

IL-6 activates B cells and T cell cytotoxicity and promotes production of inflammatory cytokines. Recently, two teams from Japan and Italy identified pentraxin 3 (PTX-3) as a promising serum marker for TAK to follow its activity.[22, 23] The Italian team reported that PTX-3 provided better area under curve in receiver operating curves to detect active patients with TAK. The Japanese group reported six out of eight patients presented increased levels of PTX-3 without any increase in CRP levels. PTX-3 might serve as a marker to follow patients who develop progressive occlusion of the aorta in spite of negative CRP cases. Disease Extent Index in Takayasu arteritis (DEI.Tak) is a novel measurement without imaging to follow-up patients anti-CTLA-4 antibody inhibitor with TAK and is reported to be useful to assess disease activity and extent of damage from TAK.[24] Recently, the Indian Takayasu

arteritis consortium proposed Inidian Takayasu Clinical Activity Score (ITAS2010), a novel method of evaluating TAK disease activity.[25] They also expanded ITAS2010 to ITAS2010-A by incorporating acute-phase reactants.[25] This Indian study is the largest study following patients with TAK and assessing disease activity. oxyclozanide Standardization of composite measures to assess disease activity in TAK would make clinical examinations easier in a multi-ethnic manner. It should be noted that there is no evidence concerning the usefulness of the novel markers and composite measures for improving prophylaxis of patients with TAK. A large-scale, consecutive, longitudinal study would elucidate the applicability of the markers and measures. To achieve the final goal of freedom from vascular damage, we should clarify targets in daily medical care. Glucocorticosteroids are anchor drugs for this disease, like other vasculites. Most cases in Japan respond with 0.3–0.5 mg/kg/day predonisolone, but we frequently found that some patients present with flare-ups during tapering of glucocorticosteroids. Since TAK mainly affects young women, side-effects of glucocorticosteroids, especially moon face, severely damage their quality of life.

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