At 6 months, the primary patency rate was 29% (12 patients) for a

At 6 months, the primary patency rate was 29% (12 patients) for angioplasty alone, and 75% (30 patients) for angioplasty with stenting. However, the proportion of patients

with cured or improved hypertension was not different between the two groups. Leertouwer et al.9 performed a meta-analysis of renal arterial stent placement in comparison with renal angioplasty in patients with renal arterial stenosis, including studies published up to August 1998. The cure rate for hypertension see more was higher after stent placement than after renal angioplasty (60–70%) but the probability of improvement in renal function following intervention was lower after stenting compared with conventional angioplasty (20% vs 10% and 30% vs 38%, respectively; P < 0.001). This ZD1839 ic50 may be because the stent studies included more patients with impaired renal function instead of hypertension, which may affect the clinical outcome in terms of renal function. In addition, many of these studies used an isolated serum creatinine concentration as a measure of renal impairment, which is an imprecise measure of renal disease progression. The complication rate of the stent procedure was 8–25%. Rocha-Singh et al.10 looked at stenting after failed PTRA in the ASPIRE-2 study. This population with uncontrolled hypertension and multiple comorbidities

had an 80% procedural success, a 9-month restenosis rate of 17.4% and a 19 mmHg reduction in systolic BP at 24 months. Serum creatinine was unchanged and the complication rate was 19.7% at 2 years. Zahringer et al.11 in the ‘Great Trial’ compared a sirolimus-eluting stent with a bare metal stent and demonstrated a 20/10 mmHg BP reduction, a small trend to improved creatinine, and a 26% complication rate. There have been five RCTs comparing Erastin clinical trial balloon angioplasty with medical therapy in hypertensive patients with high-grade RAS (greater than 50% reduction in luminal diameter) now totalling >1000 patients. Three meta-analyses have been undertaken that look at the first three trials before the ASTRAL study and one

systematic review which graded the quality of uncontrolled studies. The few additional uncontrolled studies since are mainly using distal protection. Two of the meta-analyses demonstrate no clear difference in BP, and the third demonstrates a weighted mean difference of a 7 mmHg reduction in systolic BP, and a 3 mmHg reduction in diastolic BP, with no difference in renal function. However, the likelihood of a patent artery from angioplasty at 12 months was 52% compared with 19% with medical therapy. This difference is considered significant in the literature but the small trial that this difference is based on has both a marked occlusive rate and only a 50% patency rate in both populations, making it difficult to conclude robustly that this is a real phenomenon.

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