Biostatistics 2003, 4:249–64 CrossRefPubMed

72 Tusher VG

Biostatistics 2003, 4:249–64.CrossRefPubMed

72. Tusher VG, Tibshirani R, Chu G: Significance analysis of microarrays applied to the ionizing radiation response. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001, 98:5116–21.CrossRefPubMed 73. Bioinformatics software for genomic data[http://​bioconductor.​org] 74. Software environment for statistical computing and graphics[http://​www.​r-project.​org] Authors’ contributions IS performed the experiments and helped with the interpretation of the data. ADL designed and developed the probe selection process and performed the bioinformatics RGFP966 purchase and statistical analyses of microarray data. JAV performed the sequence annotation and revised the manuscript. EMV supervised the study and helped in writing the discussion of the manuscript. MBS designed and coordinated the study, participated in the experiments, the microarray data analysis and the annotation process, and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Francisella tularensis is a highly virulent Gram negative bacterial pathogen and the etiologic

agent of the zoonotic disease tularemia. The bacteria are spread via multiple transmission routes including arthropod bites [1], physical Entospletinib concentration contact with infected animal tissues [2], contaminated water [3, 4], and inhalation of aerosolized organisms [5]. Inhalation of as few as 10 colony forming units (CFU) are sufficient to initiate lung colonization [6, 7] and the subsequent development of pulmonary tularemia, which is the most lethal form of Rho the disease exhibiting mortality rates as high as 60% [8]. F. tularensis is a facultative Alpelisib concentration intracellular pathogen that invades, survives and replicates within numerous cell types

including, but not limited to, macrophages [9, 10], dendritic cells [11], and alveolar epithelial cells [12]. Intracellular growth is intricately associated with F. tularensis virulence and pathogenesis, and the intracellular lifestyle of F. tularensis is an active area of investigation. Following uptake or invasion of a host cell wild type F. tularensis cells escape the phagosome and replicate within the cytoplasm [13–15] of infected cells. The phagosome escape mechanism employed by F. tularensis remains essentially unknown, but this property is clearly necessary for F. tularensis intracellular growth since mutants that fail to reach the cytoplasm are essentially unable to replicate within host cells [16, 17]. Following phagosome escape F. tularensis must adapt to the cytoplasmic environment. Purine auxotrophs [18], acid phosphatase [19], clpB protease [20], and ripA mutants [21] reach the cytoplasm but are defective for intracellular growth. RipA is a cytoplasmic membrane protein of unknown function that is conserved among Francisella species [21]. Notably, the majority of attenuating mutations described to date impart intracellular growth defects on the mutant strains.

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