Concentration-peak current data were fitted with Langmuir single

Concentration-peak current data were fitted with Langmuir single binding isotherms:

I(x)=Imax·[x][x]+EC50where I(x) was the response at glutamate concentration, x; Imax the maximum response; and EC50 the concentration of half-maximal activation. For measurements of equilibrium desensitization, VX-770 we bathed the patch in low concentrations of glutamate via the control barrel. Residual responses to 10 mM glutamate were fitted with the following equation: I(x)=Imax·IC50[x]+IC50where I(x) was the response following preincubation at a given concentration of glutamate, x; Imax was the maximum response; and IC50 was the concentration of half-maximal inhibition. We calculated the relaxations for simplified activation mechanisms, in line with previously published work (Robert et al., 2005). For each simulation, the mechanism was encoded by a Q-matrix, microscopic reversibility was imposed on any cycles ( Colquhoun et al., 2004) and relaxations were calculated using standard methods ( Colquhoun and Hawkes, 1995b). We then calculated the occupancy of the various states in

the model during relaxations (P(t)) according to the following equation ( Colquhoun and Hawkes, 1977): P(t)=P0·exp[−Qt]P(t)=P0·exp[−Qt] P0 XAV-939 cost is the initial occupancy of the states in the mechanism. Further information is found in the Supplemental Experimental Procedures. Figures were prepared with Kaleidagraph (Synergy Software), Igor Pro (Wavemetrics), and Pymol. Results are reported as the mean ± SD of the mean, and significance was assessed not with Student’s t test (two-tailed distribution). This work was funded by the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence (DFG Grant EXC 257). We thank

David Colquhoun, Christian Rosenmund, Mark Mayer, and Teresa Giraldez for comments on the manuscript; Marcus Wietstruk and Valentina Ghisi for technical assistance; Peter Seeburg, Steve Heinemann, and Mark Mayer for gifts of glutamate receptor clones; Christian Rosenmund for the loan of a piezo stack and amplifier; and Mark Mayer, in whose laboratory this study was initiated. A.L.C. and A.J.R.P. conceived and performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. “
“A central goal of neuroscience is to understand brain function in terms of interactions among a network of diverse types of neurons. A critical step is to understand the inputs and outputs of a given type of neuron in an intact network. Electrophysiological and optical imaging techniques have advanced our understanding of outputs, but our progress in understanding the nature of inputs has been slow. Establishing methods to efficiently identify inputs to a given type of neuron will facilitate our understanding of how neurons communicate.

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