Discussion The extent of savannah Africa Global assessments of ho

Discussion The extent of savannah Africa Global assessments of how much tropical moist forest remains are made routinely, and, in the case of the Brazilian Amazon, selleck chemical monthly. Comparable

assessments of tropical dry woodlands and savannahs are few. Moreover, we show that broad-scale global land cover assessments massively https://www.selleckchem.com/products/4egi-1.html underestimate the amount of small-scale land use conversion. We estimate the original size of savannah Africa to be 13.5 million km2. In 1960, using the human population data sources described above, 11.9 million km2 had fewer than 25 people per km2. The comparable area shrank to 9.7 million km2 by 2000. Sub-Saharan Africa increased its human population by nearly four-fold from 1960 (229 million) to 2010 (863 million) according to CIESEN (2005). The same source

expects the population to more than double by 2050 (1.753 billion). Simply, the extent Dinaciclib of savannah Africa has surely shrunk considerably in the last 50 years and will likely shrink considerably in the next 40. In contrast to estimates of moist forest cover, for example, that come with few direct data on the species those forests contain, there are extensive data on large mammals in savannahs. These allow us to estimate what fraction of the remaining savannahs is sufficiently intact to house lions, the ecosystem’s top predator. We estimate this area to be ~3.4 million km2 (Table S1)—only 25 % of the total savannah—highlighting the fact that many low human density savannah areas are nonetheless too small and isolated to support viable lion populations. Of the roughly 13.5 million km2 of savannah Africa, IUCN classifies about 1.36 million km2 (~10 %) as protected areas, excluding those regions gazetted for timber extraction (IUCN and WDPA 2010). Roughly 1.08 million km2 of this area overlaps with the lion areas. (In other words, substantial areas have protected status, but have lost their

lions.) Now, the IUCN categories of protected areas include several that allow extractive use—and that includes hunting. Lindsey et al. (2006) estimate the total area of sub-Saharan Africa devoted to hunting as at least 1.4 million km2, and of this, ~250,000 km2 is in Tanzania. What we cannot easily estimate is the 4��8C various overlaps between areas with lions, hunting areas, and the various classes of IUCN protected land on a country-by-country basis. Some countries, such as Kenya, do not permit hunting. To assess lions in Africa, a good map is essential Total population estimates alone mean little in the absence of knowledge of where lions are. Our maps suggest that lion populations survive in some 67 areas, of which only 15 hold at least 500 lions. While a small fraction of these areas appear to be large and continuous on satellite imagery (e.g. the east of the Central African Republic, southeast Chad, and west South Sudan sub-populations and the Selous and Niassa populations), there are no surveys for several of those areas and their status is uncertain.

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