fellah control worker (A) and Rifampin treated worker midguts (B)

fellah control worker (A) and Rifampin treated worker midguts (B). The bacteriocytes of treated worker are hardly visible. Figure 2 Endosymbiont number estimation in worker midguts, after 3 months of antibiotic treatment. Workers from treated groups present a mean number of bacteria significantly lower than the control group (Mann-Whitney’s U-test = 179.00, Z = -3.48, p < 0.001). The bars represent the mean number of 16S rDNA molecules ± semi-quartile range. Evaluation of colony development Each colony was composed of at least one larva, pupa or worker and queen. Colonies composed only with the queen or colonies with a dying queen during the experiment

were excluded. After seven months, seven control colonies and nine treated colonies were kept for further analysis. Workers, larvae and pupae numbers were not significantly different during the first three months after the VX-661 beginning of the experiments. After this time, untreated colonies displayed more accentuated larvae production and had a higher number of adult workers (Fig 3a and 3c, see table 1, for all statistical results). Pupae number varied significantly throughout the time of the experiment but no difference between treated and control colonies was observed

(Fig 3b). The variation in workers numbers was significatively different selleck chemicals llc between treated and control colonies with untreated colonies having more workers (Fig 3c). Table 1   ANOVA main effects Mean number Antibiotic × control Time Interaction larvae F1,112 = 10.12** F7,112 mafosfamide = 6.08*** F7,112 = 0.26 pupae F1,112 = 2.79 F7,112 = 2.52* F7,112 = 1.20 workers F1,112 = 5.53* F7,112 = 1.69 F7,112 = 0.75 Mean number of larvae, pupae and workers analysed by ANOVA. Significance levels are *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P ≤ 0.001. Figure 3 Mean number of larvae (a), pupae (b) and workers (c), square-root transformed (± SE), for control and antibiotic-treated colonies. N = 7 and 9, respectively. Amount of Blochmannia endosymbiont versus encapsulation response When expressing encapsulation rate versus 16S rDNA molecules amount (as measure of Blochmannia amount in individual midgut), control

and treated colonies displayed different patterns of immune response. We found a significant positive correlation between encapsulation rate and bacteria amount in the ants from control colonies: the bacteria did facilitate the encapsulation response (Pearson’s r, p = 0.003, n = 27, Fig. 4). On the contrary, ants from treated colonies did not selleck kinase inhibitor display a correlation between the amount of bacteria in the midgut and the encapsulation response (Pearson’s r, p = 0.92, n = 29, Fig. 4). Thus, it seems that antibiotic treatment eliminated the bacterial effects on the immune encapsulation response. An ANCOVA analysis with the encapsulation rate as independent variable showed that treated workers present a significant increase in encapsulation rate (F1,53 = 8.61, p = 0.005).

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