First, we pretreated the vlPAG with the nonselective muscarinic r

First, we pretreated the vlPAG with the nonselective muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine, which blocked the hypotensive effect of Ach, thus suggesting that muscarinic receptors within the vlPAG mediate the response. The injection of atropine into the vlPAG caused no effect on baseline

blood pressure, which may indicate that vlPAG cholinergic mechanisms do not exert a tonic influence on cardiovascular control in anesthetized rats. More specific antagonists such as 4-DAMP and pirenzepine should be used in future studies to identify the subtype of muscarinic receptor that mediates the hypotensive response to the injection of Ach into the vlPAG. Because Ach is a potent vasodilator, there is a possibility that the hypotensive effect observed after Stem Cell Compound Library purchase its microinjection Bax apoptosis into the vlPAG could be due to drug spreading from its injection site to the systemic circulation. However, the idea that Ach is indeed activating receptors in the vlPAG is favored by the observation that an i.v. injection of 9 nmol atropine, which blocked the effect

of Ach when applied to the vlPAG, did not affect the response to the injection into the vlPAG. In addition, the microinjection of Ach into the dPAG did not evoke significant cardiovascular changes, thus suggesting that the effect observed after its microinjection into the vlPAG is not consequent to a spreading into the systemic circulation. In conclusion, our results Cyclooxygenase (COX) indicate that a cholinergic system within the vlPAG is involved in the control of cardiovascular responses, acting through the activation of local muscarinic receptors. The results also suggest that the dPAG’s cholinergic mechanism is not involved in the cardiovascular control. Experimental procedures were carried out following protocols approved by the ethical review committee of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo. Male Wistar rats weighing 220–260 g (n = 38) were used in the present

experiment. Animals were housed in plastic cages in a temperature-controlled room (25 °C), under a 12:12 h light–dark cycle. Animals had free access to water and standard laboratory chow, except during the experimental period. The Institution’s animal ethics committee approved housing conditions and experimental protocols (protocol 168/2007). For implantation of stainless steel guide cannulas in the vlPAG or the dPAG, animals were anesthetized with tribromoethanol (250 mg/kg i.p., Aldrich Chemical Co. Inc., USA). After local anesthesia with 2% xylocaine, the skull was surgically exposed and stainless steel guide cannulas (24 G) were implanted 1 mm above the injection sites using a stereotaxic apparatus (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL, USA). Stereotaxic coordinates for cannula implantation in the vlPAG or the dPAG were selected from the brain atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1997). The following coordinates were used: vlPAG: AP=+1.

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