
scores for neighborhood safety for riding were ass


scores for neighborhood safety for riding were associated with lower projected changes in riding frequency. Reported street connectivity, however, was associated with higher projected changes in riding frequency. Objective built environment features were unrelated to projected changes in riding frequency. find more Although 71% of participants had access to a bicycle, 60% of owners reported never riding. Because concern about traffic danger was previously reported as the major barrier to bicycling (Dill, 2009, Handy et al., 2002, Shenassa et al., 2006 and Wood et al., 2007), all participants were asked to project how much they would bicycle if they thought they were safe from cars. Considering both bicycle owners and non-owners, the projected percent who never rode might decrease from Selleck Obeticholic Acid 71% to 34%, and the percent who would ride at least weekly might increase from about 9% to 39%. Improving safety from cars has the potential to attract many new riders, because about 44% of non-owners and 59% of owners who never rode stated they would start riding at least once per week. Although these projected increases may not translate exactly into behavior change,

the large self-projected increases imply that interventions to improve safety from cars have the potential to substantially increase the number of bicyclists and their frequency of bicycling. One recommendation is to make efforts to protect bicyclists from cars a central goal of multi-strategy bicycle interventions. Improving safety from traffic might provide the most benefits to those most in need. Multivariable analyses showed non-Whites (including Hispanics), those who perceive their neighborhoods

as least safe for bike riding, and those reporting higher street connectivity would have larger projected increases in cycling if they felt safe from traffic. Most of these variables were Dipeptidyl peptidase correlated with lower current frequency of cycling. Targeting traffic safety and bicycle infrastructure interventions to racial-ethnic minority neighborhoods and areas that are least safe for bicycling could be expected to be effective and cost-efficient. In general, bicycle owners appeared to be affluent and have demographic profiles consistent with a low risk of chronic diseases (LaVeist, 2005), compared to non-owners. Bicycle owners were more likely to live in places rated better for pedestrian safety. Though places that are safe from traffic may encourage people to purchase bicycles, the role of walkability, if any, is unclear. Neighborhood environment characteristics were not strong or consistent correlates of bicycling frequency. This may be due to lack of detailed assessment of bicycling facilities such as separated bike paths.

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