However, it is not precisely known which species of microorganism

However, it is not precisely known which species of microorganisms play the principal part in these beneficial properties. Some major find more health benefits of probiotics and their proposed mechanisms are illustrated in TableĀ 1. Several probiotic bacteria have been introduced in the market, and the range of products in which probiotic bacteria are added is increasing (TableĀ 2).

Some of the major health attributes of probiotics are discussed in the following sections. Resistance to enteric pathogens Antagonism activity Adjuvant effect increasing antibody production Systemic immune effect Colonization resistance Limiting access of enteric pathogens (pH, bacteriocins/defensins, antimicrobial peptides, lactic acid production, and toxic oxygen metabolites) Aid in lactose digestion Bacterial lactase acts on lactose in the small intestine Small bowel FG4592 bacterial overgrowth Lactobacilli influence the activity of overgrowth flora, decreasing toxic metabolite production Normalization of a small bowel microbial community Antibacterial characteristics Immune system modulation Strengthening of nonspecific and antigen-specific

defense against infection and tumors Adjuvant effect in antigen-specific immune responses Regulating/influencing Th1/Th2 cells, production of anti-inflammatory cytokines Decreased release of toxic N-metabolites Anticolon cancer effect Antimutagenic activity Detoxification of carcinogenic metabolites Alteration in pro-cancerous enzymatic activity of colonic microorganisms Stimulation

of immune function Influence on bile salt concentration Decreased detoxification/excretion of toxic microbial metabolites Increased bifidobacterial cell counts and shift from a preferable protein- to carbohydrate-metabolizing microbial community, less toxic and for putrefactive metabolites, improvements of hepatic encephalopathy after the administration of bifidobacteria and lactulose Prevention of antigen translocation into blood stream Prevent excessive immunologic Baf-A1 in vivo responses to increased amount of antigen stimulation of the gut Blood lipids, heart disease Assimilation of cholesterol by bacterial cell Alteration in the activity of BSH enzyme Antioxidative effect Bacterial peptidase action on milk protein results in antihypertensive tripeptides Cell wall components act as ACE inhibitors Adhesion to urinary and vaginal tract cells Competitive exclusion Inhibitor production (H2O2, biosurfactants) Infection caused by Helicobacter pylori Competitive colonization Inhibition of growth and adhesion to mucosal cells, decrease in gastric H.

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