In control and folimycin, the responses to the first stimulation

In control and folimycin, the responses to the first stimulation train were always smaller in the mutant synapses (86.0 ± 15.2 for WT versus 70.2 ± 17.2 for KO ΔF a.u.). Furthermore, the initial differences in size became bigger for successive stimulation trains (Figure 5B). The final fluorescence level in the presence of folimycin was dramatically reduced in the terminals lacking CSP-α. In the WT, the final fluorescence value was almost four times bigger than the fluorescence value elicited by the first train, whereas in the knock-out

the increase was only double (3.7 ± 0.5 in WT versus 1.7 ± 0.3 in KO times over control train values, Figure 5B, inset). That could be explained by a reduction in the total number of synaptic vesicles. We estimated the total amount of spH in the terminals as the total fluorescence increase

upon alkalinization Z-VAD-FMK concentration with ammonium chloride (Miesenböck et al., 1998 and Sankaranarayanan et al., 2000). Strikingly, the total fluorescence values were very similar in terminals lacking CSP-α compared to controls (436 ± 67 for WT and 451 ± 84 ΔF a.u. for KO, Figure 5C), indicating a similar amount of spH in GW786034 mutant and control terminals. Western blots from motor nerve terminals revealed similar protein levels of spH and synaptobrevin 2 in controls and mutants (Figure 5D). Those observations suggested that the protein complement of synaptic vesicles was similar in mutant and control terminals, however, those measurements were insufficient to infer if the number of synaptic vesicles was normal or not. To further investigate

Montelukast Sodium endocytosis with the alkaline trap approach, we compared side by side the traces of spH fluorescence evoked in control conditions with the traces obtained in the presence of folimycin. In WT terminals, the fluorescence increase in folimycin was larger than in control conditions because fluorescence quenching, due to endocytosis and reacidification during the stimulus, was abolished (Figure 5E). Remarkably, in mutant terminals, the amplitude of evoked spH fluorescence was similar in control and in folimycin (1.36 ± 0.18 for WT versus 0.88 ± 0.13 for CSP-α KO, p = 0.007 Mann-Whitney test; inset) (Figure 5F and inset). Therefore, after the second week of life, the synapses lacking CSP-α, developed an impairment in the process of membrane retrieval that takes place during repetitive stimulation and the releasable pool of synaptic vesicles became severely downsized. Because dynamin1 is critical for endocytosis during the stimulus (Ferguson et al., 2007), we wondered if the dynamin1 dependence of endocytosis was specifically impaired in CSP-α mutants. Dynasore is a selective inhibitor of dynamin1 GTPase activity (Macia et al., 2006). Multiple laboratories have used dynasore to block dynamin1 dependent-endocytosis in central (Chung et al., 2010, Hosoi et al.

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