In practice, an approximately linear dependence of NMR sensitivit

In practice, an approximately linear dependence of NMR sensitivity on magnetic field strength is often observed. This produces an approximately linear decrease in sample quantities required for NMR measurements, an important consideration especially for biological samples that are difficult to obtain in large quantities. Two distinct classes of NMR techniques are important in studies of chemical, biochemical, and biological systems. In each class, higher fields produce additional advantages for distinct reasons. The most common techniques, called “solution NMR”, apply to molecules that are dissolved in an isotropic liquid (e.g.,

aqueous buffers or organic solvents). Rapid translational and rotational diffusion in an isotropic liquid make all molecules in the sample structurally equivalent on the nanosecond-to 6 μs timescale. Rapid rotational Proteasome inhibition assay diffusion learn more also averages out anisotropic nuclear spin interactions, resulting in exceptionally narrow NMR lines and high spectral resolution. However, when molecules become very large, as in the case of high-molecular-weight proteins and nucleic acids, rotational diffusion becomes too slow, resulting in greater line widths that impair both resolution and sensitivity

(because the NMR line widths limit the efficiency of nuclear spin polarization transfers that are essential for multidimensional spectroscopy). However, in certain

cases, higher fields reduce the NMR line widths of high-molecular-weight proteins and nucleic acids, through a partial cancellation between line width contributions from anisotropic magnetic dipole–dipole interactions, which are independent of field, and anisotropic chemical shielding interactions, which increase linearly with field. Thus, in the case of biologically important macromolecules in solution, higher fields enable multidimensional NMR measurements on high-molecular-weight systems that would otherwise be impossible. Very high fields can also produce a weak magnetic alignment of dissolved HAS1 molecules, due to anisotropy in their magnetic susceptibility, which leads to incomplete averaging of dipole–dipole interactions among nuclei. Solution NMR measurements of these residual dipole–dipole interactions provide useful constraints on molecular structures, as has been demonstrated for proteins. The second class of NMR techniques, called “solid state NMR”, apply to bona fide   solids, either crystalline or non-crystalline, that are of interest in materials science, organic and inorganic chemistry, as well as to solid-like biochemical and biological systems, including protein filaments and membrane associated systems.

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