In this study, two paths were explored First, the correlation be

In this study, two paths were explored. First, the correlation between the behavioral indicators was used to infer the coefficients (or loadings) of these indicators and the relationship between mice. Second, the correlation between

mice was used to infer the relationship between the behavioral indicators. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the indicators was favored over the covariances to level the impact of indicators despite differences in magnitude. For dimension reduction purposes, the components or scales considered were limited to those that explained most and together accounted for at least 70% of the variance of the original measurements. The relationship between sickness and depression-like indicators and the relationship between mice within and across BCG-treatment groups was investigated through the evaluation selleck kinase inhibitor of the coefficients of the variables in the first principal components together with the visualization of the relative location of the mice from different BCG-treatment groups along pairs of major principal components. An analysis comparable to PCA was implemented using multidimensional scaling. MS-275 This approach relied on the distances between items and double-centering of the distance matrix instead of correlations used in PCA. Thus, the consistency between MDS and PCA outputs depended on the properties

and structure of the original measurements. Implementation of PCA includes PROC PRINCOMP

and the princomp function in SAS and R, respectively. Implementation of MDS includes PROC MDS and the cmdscale function in Tacrolimus (FK506) SAS and R, respectively. Supervised learning approaches that account for the known BCG-treatment assignment were used to develop decision rules that assigned mice to classes (i.e. BCG-treatment groups) with maximum possible accuracy (Zuur et al., 2007). Supervised prediction of mice classification into BCG-treatment groups was based on weight change between Day 0 and Day 2, weight change between Day 2 and Day 5, locomotor activity, rearing, tail suspension immobility, forced swim immobility and sucrose preference. Consideration of the coefficients of the behavioral indicators in the classification functions offered insights into the relationship between indicators. Two complementary supervised learning methods, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN), were evaluated. In LDA, the resulting indices of the behavioral indicators offered the maximum distance between the observed classes and the minimum variation within class. Mice were assigned to the class that was most proximal to the LDA index value. In the KNN approach, mice were assigned to the class of all or most of the closest neighboring mice based on the Euclidean distance. The LDA and KNN approaches are implemented in the PROC CLUSTER and LDA and KNN functions in SAS and R, respectively.

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