Of relevance based on TPS calculations, checking the dose at the

Of relevance based on TPS calculations, checking the dose at the ITF2357 purchase reference point we can confirm the dose distribution at any point in the box. Moreover, the numer of bags within the box makes no significant changes to the dose distribution, as confirmed by multiple calculations and measurements performed during the implementation phase. Finally, the forms reporting the blood component bag code and the value of delivered dose are filed in both the Radiotherapy and Transfusion Departments, while the irradiated gafchromic

films are stored in the Medical Physics Department. After an initial cost of about 144 €, the total cost for blood component bags for external and internal procedures is very different (about 66 vs 11 €/bag, respectively). The internal procedure avoids logistic problems as the blood components do not have to be transported out of the IRE. The overall savings of IFO was about € 110.558 due to the irradiation of 1996 blood components in the first year, without affecting in any way the scheduled GDC-0449 in vitro treatments in the Radiotherapy Depatment. The overall saving was about 83% per bag. In conclusion, we assume that the efficacy of both procedures is the same, the minimum and the maximum dose being in the range recommended by international guideline,

thus the cost-efficacy study corresponds to the cost analysis. However, the cost and the time per bag are lower in the internal than in the external procedure. Thus, the internal procedure is preferable when an Institute has LINACs for patient radiotherapy, while the external procedure could be useful over the week-end (i.e. when the regular activity of the Radiotherapy Department is closed). Conclusion By utilizing LINACs installed in the Radiotherapy Department it is possible to provide an internal blood component irradiation service, Celecoxib capitalizing on internal resources without any inconvenience/discomfort to patients undergoing radiotherapy.

The development and organization of such an irradiation program requires rigorous modus operandi and careful dosimetric checks, to ensure the quality of the irradiated components and to satisfy governmental regulatory requirements. In our procedure the delivered dose accuracy has been assessed by gafchromic film in a PMMA box. This and a very simplified irradiation C59 wnt price set-up provide a fast and reliable way to guarantee that the delivered dose is in accordance with international guidelines. In conclusion, the internal irradiation procedures has proven to be safe and feasible, and along with the significant cost/time reduction suggests that it is more advantageous than external procedures in Istitutes/Hospitals without dedicated devices. Acknowledgements The Authors wish to thank Mrs. Paula Franke for the English revision of the manuscript. References 1.

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