Outbreaks of L pneumophila

Outbreaks of L. pneumophila selleck chemicals occur throughout the world impacting public health as well as various industrial, tourist, and social activities [6]. Patients with immuno-compromised status are particularly susceptible to this atypical pneumonia [7]. This pathogen is present in both natural [6] and man-made [7] water environments like cooling towers, evaporative condensers, humidifiers, potable water systems, decorative fountains and wastewater systems (risk facilities). Human infection can occur by inhalation of contaminated aerosols [8]. Colonization at human-made water systems has

been associated with DUB inhibitor biofilms yielding only some free bacterial cells [1, 9, 10]. Moreover, rapid fluctuations of the concentration of L. pneumophila at risk facilities have been reported [11], as well as persistence of L. pneumophila in drinking water biofilms mostly in a viable but non-culturable state (VBNC) [12], which has also been confirmed even after treatments with chlorine used to disinfect cooling towers [13, 14]. In fact, L. pneumophila becomes non-culturable in biofilms in doses

of 1 mg/L of monochloramine, making culture detection of this pathogen ineffective [15]. The effectiveness of treatments on Legionella pneumophila (chlorine, heat, ozone, UV, monochloramine) has been mainly evaluated based simply on cultivability and that could not be a real indicative of the absence of intact viable cells [16–18]. Official

methods find more for Legionella detection are based on the growth of the microorganism in selective media [19, 20]. At least 7 to 15 days are required for obtaining results due to the slow growth rate of the bacterium. Culture detection also shows low sensitivity, loss of viability of bacteria after collection, difficulty in isolating Legionella in samples contaminated with other microbial and the inability to detect VBNC bacteria [21]. Therefore, the development of a rapid and specific detection method for L. pneumophila monitoring and in real time would be crucial for the efficient prevention of legionellosis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods have been described as useful tools for these L. pneumophila detection [22, 23]. PCR reportedly provides high specificity, sensitivity, and speed, low detection limits and the possibility to quantify the concentration of the microorganisms in the samples using real-time PCR. However, it requires sophisticated and expensive equipment, appropriate installations and trained personnel [24]. PCR inhibiting compounds present in environmental samples may cause false negatives. Inhibition control is strongly recommended in those cases. Samples having inhibition must be diluted and retested. False positives can be caused by the inability of PCR to differentiate between cells and free DNA [25].

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