The polyimides were prepared via a conventional two-step synthesi

The polyimides were prepared via a conventional two-step synthesis: preparation of poly(amic-acid), followed by solution imidization. The polyimides were characterized by FTIR, NMR, DSC, TGA, and TMA, and their solubility, buy AG-881 intrinsic viscosity, and adhesive properties were

also evaluated. The polyimides exhibited high T-g (342-362 degrees C), good thermal stability (>500 degrees C), excellent adhesive property (134-107 g/mm), and low CTE (28-17 ppm/degrees C). (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 123: 3298-3308, 2012″
“Dynamic behaviors of gas/plasma mixture generated by microwave discharge jet at atmospheric pressure have been investigated in terms of the effects of working gas dynamics on the discharge characteristics, focusing on the following four points: formation of discharge jet at the ignition phase, growing speed of plasma plume in relation to gas flow rate, acceleration and deceleration of upward movement of plasma plume, and decay process of plasma column at turn-off of microwave power. Four stages are identified at the find more discharge ignition. The acceleration coming from buoyancy effect and the deceleration due to gas flow turbulence have been found. The decay speed of plasma column at a power shut-off is found to be influenced by the gas flow turbulence and the recombination rate. (C) 2011 American Institute

of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3622302]“
“Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inherited metabolic disorder caused by mutations in the phenylalanine catabolic enzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). The use of phenylalanine ammonia-lase (PAL) by oral and parenteral routes as a therapeutic drug for PKU has been severely limited due to inactivation by intestinal proteolysis

and immune reactions. PEGylation was applied to PAL to click here reduce the degrees of antigenicity and proteolytic inactivation. Kinetic experiments with native PAL and pegylated PALs were performed, and pH stability, temperature stability, and protease susceptibility were evaluated. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was carried out to measure the immune complex between pegylated PALs and antiserum that had been extracted from a PAL-immunized mouse. Pegylated PAL, especially branched pegylated PAL (10 kDa, 1:32), was more active for phenylalanine and more stable in pancreatic proteases than native PAL. Native PAL was optimal at pH 8.5, corresponding to the average pH range of the small intestine; the same finding was noted for pegylated PALs. All linear and branched pegylated PALs had low reactivity with mouse antiserum, especially the 1:16 formulation with linear 5-kDa PEG and the 1:32 formulation with branched 10-kDa PEG. Therefore, we suggest the 1:32 formulation with branched 10-kDa PEG as the most promising formulation for enzyme replacement therapy.

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