The review

The review FK228 shows that aerobic exercise and resistance training provides better outcomes than aerobic exercise alone. This would suggest that the ACSM guidelines (2009) should make a stronger recommendation than they do about resistance training for this population. The search strategy was rigorous but the PEDro database was not

searched, which may have meant that some studies went unidentified. For example the study by Moghadam and colleagues (2009) appears eligible. To attempt to balance training volume, some studies reduced the amount of aerobic training when resistance training was introduced although about half of the included studies added extra sessions of resistance training to the same aerobic training regimen used by the control group. In the latter trials, it is difficult to know whether the outcomes

differed between groups because the find protocol resistance training was additional exercise. The variation in the interventions in the included studies makes specific recommendations for exercise prescription difficult. The resistance training groups were prescribed 2 to 4 sets of 2 to 10 exercises at an intensity of 40–80% of one repetition maximum, 2 to 3 times per week. Nevertheless, armed with the conclusions of this Parvulin study and the 2011 ACSM position stand on guidance for prescribing exercise, physiotherapists can bring more rigour and certainty to the incorporation of resistance

training into cardiac rehabilitation for groups and individuals. “
“Summary of: Smart N, Steele M (2011) Exercise training in haemodialysis patients: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Nephrology 16: 626–632. [Prepared by Mark Elkins, Journal Editor.] Objective: To review the effects of exercise training on cardiovascular fitness, cardiac function, strength, quality of life and safety in people on regular haemodialysis for chronic renal disease. Data Sources: CENTRAL, Embase, Medline and CINAHL, searched up to December 2010. Reference lists of included studies were hand searched for further eligible trials. Study selection: Randomised controlled trials involving people with chronic renal disease on regular haemodialysis, in which exercise training was compared to no training or in which different exercise modalities were compared. Trials assessing peak oxygen consumption as a measure of cardiopulmonary fitness were included. Other outcome measures were cardiac function, strength, quality of life, and safety. Exercise adherence was also considered.

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