Therefore, our study provides crucial information about the possi

Therefore, our study provides crucial information about the possible use of KRG as a clinical candidate for the prevention and treatment of ALD. All contributing Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor authors declare no conflicts of interest. This work was supported by a 2012 grant from the Korean Society of Ginseng, Wetzlar. “
“Panax ginseng Meyer (ginseng, Araliaceae) is a perennial herb cultivated for its highly valued root. Ginseng prefers a cool and temperate climate and is widely planted in the mountainous region of Northeast China. Its cultivation is difficult because of its long cultivation period and its demand for deep shade and nutrient-rich, slightly acidic, deep, and well-drained soils. Replantation

in old fields usually fails, and it takes up to 30 yrs for previously cultivated fields to recover. The following factors may contribute to the problem: deteriorated soil conditions [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]; plant diseases (soil sickness) [6]; and autotoxicity [7]. This study primarily focuses on soil conditions. The Changbai Mountains are famous for ginseng production, with their fertile soils with good water permeability and aeration. People have collected wild ginseng here for 17 centuries and have been planting ginseng by simulating natural conditions since the Yuan dynasty. Today, the ginseng supply relies mainly on intensive field cultivation under artificial-shade structures. Floating plastic mulch is positioned above the ginseng bed, except

during the winter, to create shade, enhance photoselectivity, and defend against strong rain. The semi-protective cultivation mode has the potential to affect the bed soil conditions. Albic luvisol is one of the main soil types Rigosertib cell line used for ginseng cultivation in the Changbai Mountains, Avelestat (AZD9668) which is derived from loess and characterized by high clay and organic-matter

content. After the land was cleared, a binary mixture of the humus and albic horizons (generally 1:1) was created in an elevated bed [8]. Ginseng bed soils from albic luvisols have been shown in our research, as well as others’, to be acidic [4] and [9]. Soil pH has a large influence on ginseng growth and development. Producing American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) at a pH of 5.5 doubled its yield when compared with a pH of 4.4 [10]. A low pH, low calcium (Ca), and high exchangeable aluminum (Al) reportedly led to the development of red skin and rusty roots in ginseng [11]. Impacts related to soil acidity, such as Al toxicity, might contribute to ginseng replant disease in albic ginseng garden soils. Systematic and comprehensive investigation is necessary to understand the development of acidity and related characteristics in ginseng planting soils. In this study, the soil conditions were investigated seasonally at a ginseng farm located in the Changbai Mountains in Northeast China. The study was carried out in a field (41°32′N, 128°09′E) on the first ginseng farm in Malugou County, Jilin province, China. It is located on the lava plateau of the Changbai Mountains.

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