These logarithmically growing cells were converted to protoplasts

These logarithmically growing cells were converted to STA-9090 mw protoplasts as described in Methods. The number of cells converted to protoplasts in the first transformation was 76%. The protoplasts were not separated from the undigested cells in order to avoid further damage to these cells. The cells were divided into 3 groups, each containing 200 μl of the suspension. The cells in the first group were treated with non-transforming DNA. In the second group, cells were transformed Entinostat supplier with pSD2G (Additional File 3A) and in the last group; the cells were transformed

with pSD2G-RNAi1 (Additional File 3A). Two hundred and twelve colonies were obtained from the cells transformed with

pSD2G and 242 colonies buy BAY 80-6946 were obtained from cells transformed with pSD2G-RNAi1. Transformants were transferred to fresh geneticin-containing medium and grown for 5-10 days in medium M plates at 35°C. Ninety five percent of the colonies transformed with pSD2G and 97% of those transformed with pSD2G-RNAi1 survived transfer under these same conditions. For the second transformation the same protocol was used. Seventy nine percent of the cells transformed with pSD2G-RNAi2 (Additional File 3B) survived transfer to fresh geneticin-containing medium. Conidia from transformants surviving this passage were used to inoculate 50 ml of medium M with geneticin (500 μg/ml) at 35°C with aeration. Further passages decreased the number of the RNAi transformants capable of growing at 35°C. These cultures, where no growth was detected at 35°C, were transferred to 25°C and all of them thrived, showing mycelium morphology in spite of their inability to grow at 35°C. Additional File 3C also shows the results of colony PCR used to detect the presence of the transforming DNA in S. schenckii yeast cells transformed Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) with pSD2G-RNAi1. Cell suspensions of S. schenckii transformants were

used as templates for PCR using the G418 (fwd) and G418 (rev) primer pair. Lane 4 shows the 123 bp DNA ladder. Lanes 1-5 and 6 shows the bands obtained when the cells transformed with pSD2G-RNAi1 from colonies 14, 15, 18, 19 and 21 were used as template, respectively. In lanes 7 and 8, suspensions of non-transformed cells were used as templates for PCR. A band of the expected size, 622 bp, detecting the presence of the geneticin resistance cassette was observed in transformed yeast cells. Morphology of transformed cells Conidia from cells transformed with pSD2G or pSD2G-RNAi1 were inoculated in liquid medium with geneticin (500 μg/ml) and incubated at 35°C, distinct differences were observed between the growth of cells transformed with pSD2G and those transformed with pSD2G-RNAi1.

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