This cluster was adjacent to, but did not overlap, the right SFG

This cluster was adjacent to, but did not overlap, the right SFG cluster associated with PSWQ identified in earlier analyses. As shown in Figure ​Figure3,3, the correlation between the two time series became more negative as PSWQ scores increased in the negative condition, with the relationship

approaching 0 at low levels of PSWQ. Given that no relationships with PSWQ were observed in amygdala, and the effect in dACC was driven by changes to neutral rather than negative stimuli, only Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical superior prefrontal cortex was examined for the PPI analyses. Table 6 Region in which anxious apprehension moderated connectivity with Broca’s area Figure 3 Moderation of connectivity between Broca’s area and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical right superior frontal gyrus by anxious apprehension. SFG, superior frontal gyrus; Blue, high PSWQ associated with decreased connectivity with Broca’s area; Neg, negative condition; Neu, neutral condition. … The PPI remained Selleckchem Trichostatin A significant when examined only in the first half of the task (β = −0.092, P = 0.006), whereas it was not

significant when examined only in the second half of the task (β = −0.041, P = 0.229), although the effect was in the expected direction. No clusters emerged in which MASQ-AA or MASQ-AD-LI moderated connectivity with Broca’s area. Lateralization analyses Consistent with hypothesis, PSWQ was associated with left lateralization in Broca’s Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical area.8 Although asymmetry was not found in SFG for PSWQ, right lateralization was observed in a nearby area of MFG

(see Table ​Table77 and Fig. ​Fig.44). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Table 7 Brain regions in which moderation of habituation by anxiety types was lateralized Figure 4 Lateralized moderation of habituation to negative stimuli by anxious apprehension. MFG, middle frontal gyrus; IFG, inferior Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical frontal gyrus; Yellow, effect is left lateralized; Green, effect is right lateralized. The graphs depict the change in neural response … In line with hypotheses, MASQ-AA was associated with right lateralization in MTG/ITG9 and DLPFC. Additionally, although asymmetry was not found in SFG for MASQ-AA, right lateralization was observed in a nearby area of MFG (see Table ​Table77 and Fig. ​Fig.55). Figure 5 Lateralized moderation of habituation to negative stimuli by anxious arousal. MFG, middle frontal gyrus; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; Green, effect is right lateralized. unless The graphs depict … Anxious apprehension ROI mediation analyses Activation changes in Broca’s area and right SFG ROIs identified in the main analyses were tested as mediators of the effect of anxious apprehension on behavior (dACC was not examined, because the effect was driven by changes to neutral rather than negative stimuli). Results indicated that activation in Broca’s area mediated the effect of PSWQ on both RT and errors, whereas activation in right SFG did not (although the effect was in the expected direction and approached significance for RT).

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